Third-Cycle Courses
101 courses.
Course code ▽ | Name ▼ | Division ▽ | Start Date ▽ |
FMNN25F | Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy | Numerical Analysis | Given every autumn semester |
FMA315F | Advanced Topics in Computer Vision | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA325F | Advanced Topics in Learning-based Computer Vision | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA030F | Algebraic Geometry | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA150F | Algebraic Geometry and Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAN10F | Algebraic Structures | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMA280F | An Introduction to Set Theory | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA130F | Analytic Functions | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
FMA131F | Analytic Functions | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
FMA155F | Anisotropic Banach Spaces for Hyperbolic Dynamics | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAP01F | Applied Epistemology of Mathematics | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAF10F | Applied Mathematics - Linear systems | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAN01F | Biomathematics | Mathematics | Given every other spring semester |
FMA201F | Calculus of Variations | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
MATP22F | Complex Analysis in Several Variables | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMN005F | Computational Linear Algebra | Numerical Analysis | Given if sufficient demand |
NUMA01F | Computational Programming with Python | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
FMA271F | Computer Vision | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMSF90F | Data Analysis: Statistical Learning and Visualization with Project | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMSF65F | Design of Experiments | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMAP20F | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | |
MATM13F | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA091F | Discrete Mathematics | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
MATP11F | Distribution Theory | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMSN60F | Financial Statistics | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |
FMN015F | Finite Volume Methods | Numerical Analysis | Given every other autumn semester |
FMA260F | Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN80F | Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA003F | Functional Analysis in System Theory | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAP25F | Galois Theory | Mathematics | |
FMA100F | Geometric Measure Theory | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
MATP33F | Group and Ring Theory | Mathematics | Given every other spring semester |
FMA330F | Hardy Spaces | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA171F | Image Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA105F | Image Analysis for PhD Students | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAP10F | Integration Theory | Mathematics | |
MATM19F | Integration Theory | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAN45F | Introduction to Machine Learning | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMNN02F | Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra | Numerical Analysis | Given every autumn semester |
FMA022F | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMN001F | Isogeometric Analysis: CAD in FEM | Numerical Analysis | Given if sufficient demand |
FMN020F | Iterative Solution of Large Scale Systems in Scientific Computing | Numerical Analysis | Given every spring semester |
FMA095F | Lie Algebras | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA240F | Linear and Combinatorial Optimization | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAF35F | Linear and Combinatorial Optimization | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAP05F | Linear and Combinatorial Optimization | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMSN30F | Linear and Logistic Regression | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
MATP35F | Linear Functional Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA085F | Machine Learning | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMSF15F | Markov Processes | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |
MATM30F | Mathematical Foundations of Probability | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMSN45F | Mathematical Statistics, Time Series Analysis | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN65F | Mathematical Structures | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMAF05F | Mathematics - Systems and transforms | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
FMA026F | Mathematics Education from a University Perspective | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA120F | Matrix Theory | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA122F | Matrix Theory | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN71F | Matrix Theory | Mathematics | |
FMA121F | Matrix Theory, Minor Course | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN30F | Medical Image Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMS092F | Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Inference | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMAN15F | Non-linear Dynamical Systems | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
MATM15F | Number Theory | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMNN20F | Numerical Analysis for Elliptic and Parabolic Differential Equations | Numerical Analysis | Given if sufficient demand |
NUMN19F | Numerical Approximation | Numerical Analysis | Given every spring semester |
FMNN01F | Numerical Linear Algebra | Numerical Analysis | Given every autumn semester |
FMN010F | Numerical Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Differential Equations | Numerical Analysis | Given if sufficient demand |
FMNN10F | Numerical Methods for Differential Equations | Numerical Analysis | Given every autumn semester |
FMNN45F | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations | Numerical Analysis | Given every spring semester |
FMA275F | Numerical Optimization | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMNN40F | Numerical Simulations of Flow Problems | Numerical Analysis | Given every spring semester |
FMA051F | Optimization | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN60F | Optimization | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMAN61F | Optimization | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMA145F | Partial Differential Equations | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAN76F | Partial Differential Equations | Mathematics | |
FMA250F | Partial Differential Equations with Distribution Theory | Mathematics | Given every other autumn semester |
FMA305F | Potential Theory in the Complex Plane | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMS025F | Probabilistic Numerics | Mathematical Statistics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMSF05F | Probability Theory | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMA310F | Pseudodifferential Operators | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA205F | Random Walks on Groups | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA160F | Riemannian Geometry | Mathematics | Given once every semester |
FMA300F | Riesz Products and Applications | Mathematics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMA320F | Scientific Computing with Python and Fortran | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
FMNN05F | Simulation Tools | Numerical Analysis | Given every autumn semester |
FMSN20F | Spatial Statistics with Image Analysis | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |
MATP45F | Specialised Course in Linear Functional Analysis | Mathematics | Given every autumn semester |
MATP29F | Specialised Course on Integration Theory | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMSN35F | Stationary and Non-stationary Spectral Analysis | Mathematical Statistics | Given every other spring semester |
FMS010F | Stationary Stochastic Processes | Mathematical Statistics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMSF10F | Stationary Stochastic Processes | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |
FMS020F | Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Stochastic Processes | Mathematical Statistics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMS155F | Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMSN55F | Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values | Mathematical Statistics | Given every spring semester |
FMSN15F | Statistical Modelling of Multivariate Extreme Values | Mathematical Statistics | Given every other autumn semester |
FMS030F | Survival Analysis | Mathematical Statistics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMS015F | Theory of Stochastic Processes | Mathematical Statistics | Given if sufficient demand |
FMAP15F | Topology | Mathematics | |
MATM16F | Topology | Mathematics | Given every spring semester |
FMSN25F | Valuation of Derivative Assets | Mathematical Statistics | Given every autumn semester |