Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Third-Cycle Courses

101 courses.

Course code ▽ Name ▼ Division ▽ Start Date ▽
FMNN25F Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy Numerical Analysis Given every autumn semester
FMA315F Advanced Topics in Computer Vision Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA325F Advanced Topics in Learning-based Computer Vision Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA030F Algebraic Geometry Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA150F Algebraic Geometry and Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMAN10F Algebraic Structures Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMA280F An Introduction to Set Theory Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA130F Analytic Functions Mathematics Given once every semester
FMA131F Analytic Functions Mathematics Given once every semester
FMA155F Anisotropic Banach Spaces for Hyperbolic Dynamics Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMAP01F Applied Epistemology of Mathematics Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAF10F Applied Mathematics - Linear systems Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAN01F Biomathematics Mathematics Given every other spring semester
FMA201F Calculus of Variations Mathematics Given every spring semester
MATP22F Complex Analysis in Several Variables Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMN005F Computational Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Given if sufficient demand
NUMA01F Computational Programming with Python Mathematics Given once every semester
FMA271F Computer Vision Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMSF90F Data Analysis: Statistical Learning and Visualization with Project Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMSF65F Design of Experiments Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMAP20F Differential Geometry Mathematics
MATM13F Differential Geometry Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA091F Discrete Mathematics Mathematics Given once every semester
MATP11F Distribution Theory Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMSN60F Financial Statistics Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester
FMN015F Finite Volume Methods Numerical Analysis Given every other autumn semester
FMA260F Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMAN80F Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA003F Functional Analysis in System Theory Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMAP25F Galois Theory Mathematics
FMA100F Geometric Measure Theory Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
MATP33F Group and Ring Theory Mathematics Given every other spring semester
FMA330F Hardy Spaces Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA171F Image Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA105F Image Analysis for PhD Students Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMAP10F Integration Theory Mathematics
MATM19F Integration Theory Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAN45F Introduction to Machine Learning Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMNN02F Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Given every autumn semester
FMA022F Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMN001F Isogeometric Analysis: CAD in FEM Numerical Analysis Given if sufficient demand
FMN020F Iterative Solution of Large Scale Systems in Scientific Computing Numerical Analysis Given every spring semester
FMA095F Lie Algebras Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA240F Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAF35F Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAP05F Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMSN30F Linear and Logistic Regression Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
MATP35F Linear Functional Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA085F Machine Learning Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMSF15F Markov Processes Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester
MATM30F Mathematical Foundations of Probability Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMSN45F Mathematical Statistics, Time Series Analysis Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester
FMAN65F Mathematical Structures Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMAF05F Mathematics - Systems and transforms Mathematics Given once every semester
FMA026F Mathematics Education from a University Perspective Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA120F Matrix Theory Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA122F Matrix Theory Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMAN71F Matrix Theory Mathematics
FMA121F Matrix Theory, Minor Course Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMAN30F Medical Image Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMS092F Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Inference Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMAN15F Non-linear Dynamical Systems Mathematics Given every autumn semester
MATM15F Number Theory Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMNN20F Numerical Analysis for Elliptic and Parabolic Differential Equations Numerical Analysis Given if sufficient demand
NUMN19F Numerical Approximation Numerical Analysis Given every spring semester
FMNN01F Numerical Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Given every autumn semester
FMN010F Numerical Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Differential Equations Numerical Analysis Given if sufficient demand
FMNN10F Numerical Methods for Differential Equations Numerical Analysis Given every autumn semester
FMNN45F Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Numerical Analysis Given every spring semester
FMA275F Numerical Optimization Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMNN40F Numerical Simulations of Flow Problems Numerical Analysis Given every spring semester
FMA051F Optimization Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMAN60F Optimization Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMAN61F Optimization Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMA145F Partial Differential Equations Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMAN76F Partial Differential Equations Mathematics
FMA250F Partial Differential Equations with Distribution Theory Mathematics Given every other autumn semester
FMA305F Potential Theory in the Complex Plane Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMS025F Probabilistic Numerics Mathematical Statistics Given if sufficient demand
FMSF05F Probability Theory Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMA310F Pseudodifferential Operators Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA205F Random Walks on Groups Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA160F Riemannian Geometry Mathematics Given once every semester
FMA300F Riesz Products and Applications Mathematics Given if sufficient demand
FMA320F Scientific Computing with Python and Fortran Mathematics Given every autumn semester
FMNN05F Simulation Tools Numerical Analysis Given every autumn semester
FMSN20F Spatial Statistics with Image Analysis Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester
MATP45F Specialised Course in Linear Functional Analysis Mathematics Given every autumn semester
MATP29F Specialised Course on Integration Theory Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMSN35F Stationary and Non-stationary Spectral Analysis Mathematical Statistics Given every other spring semester
FMS010F Stationary Stochastic Processes Mathematical Statistics Given if sufficient demand
FMSF10F Stationary Stochastic Processes Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester
FMS020F Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Stochastic Processes Mathematical Statistics Given if sufficient demand
FMS155F Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMSN55F Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values Mathematical Statistics Given every spring semester
FMSN15F Statistical Modelling of Multivariate Extreme Values Mathematical Statistics Given every other autumn semester
FMS030F Survival Analysis Mathematical Statistics Given if sufficient demand
FMS015F Theory of Stochastic Processes Mathematical Statistics Given if sufficient demand
FMAP15F Topology Mathematics
MATM16F Topology Mathematics Given every spring semester
FMSN25F Valuation of Derivative Assets Mathematical Statistics Given every autumn semester

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