Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course AAA030F valid from Spring 2020

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  • The course Tendencies in Architectural Research provides opportunities for doctoral students to achieve an overview of current approaches and practices in contemporary architectural research. The course also provides a basic introduction to architectural theory, methodology and academic publication.
  • The course brings views about how architecture and urban design are essential for these settings and formations of life, and how ethnographical, observational, archival, art-based and practice-based methods can be used in this field.In short, the course takes up themes, theories and methods of contemporary research and attempts to link these to relevant and urgent issues of society and lived space.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • - Show an understanding of architectural theory and its use in architectural research.
    - Show an insight into the broad field of architectural research, and how methods and publication relate to the field.
    - Show insight into how visual and narrative documentation can be pursued, analysed and presented.
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • - be able to apply architectural theory and include relevant references in the personal PhD project.
    - be able to take part in a critical discussion with other researchers on research/theory within the field.
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • - be able to evaluate what is relevant theory for the personal project, as well as for the research field of architecture.
    - be able to reflect on advantages as well as constraints, including ethical considerations, regarding different approaches to documentation and analysis of the built environment
    - achieve a reasonable capacity to evaluate the methods, especially regarding observation and documentation, in architecture research, and how they can be used in practice.
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • The course comprises two or three sessions, each ranging from one to three days of seminars.
    Location: School of Architecture, LTH, Lund University.
    Course responsibility: Gunnar Sandin and Mattias Kärrholm.
    The running of the course can be handed over to other course leaders.
Examination Formats
  • Written report
  • Written assignments
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Additional requirements: Minimum of 75 % course attendance
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • Knowledge from areas relevant for architecture, planning, design, geography , environment studies, or other relevant knowledge in social science or aesthetics.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • Master level, or background experience of equal importance, from the above stated areas.
Selection Criteria
  • Crysler, G., C., Cairns, S. & Heynen: The SAGE handbook of architectural theory.. Sage, 2012.
    Awan, N., Schneider, T. & Till, J.: Spatial agency: other ways of doing architecture. Routledge, 2013.
    Wang, D. & Groat, Linda N.: Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. ISBN 9780470908556.
    Lury, C. & Wakeford, N.: Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social. Routledge, 2012. ISBN 9780415574815.
    Yaneva, A.: Mapping Controversies in Architecture. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2012. ISBN 9781409426684.
    Sheringham, M.: Everyday life: Theories and practices from surrealism to the present. Oxford University Press, 2006.
    Katz, C.: Playing with Fieldwork, Social and Cultural Geography 14, 7, 762-772. 2013.
Further Information
  • Apply by sending a statement of interest to
    Deadline and dates are announced via email and via the homepage Resarc.

Course code
  • AAA030F
Administrative Information
  •  -12-01
  • fek-ger Gudbjörg Erlingsdóttir

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