• Lectures: Switch mode power supplies, principle of forward and flyback operation. Rectifiers and inverters. Modulation of power electronic converters. Control of power electronic converters. Electrical machines. Based on dynamical models of electrical machines and modulation methods for power electronic converters, control systems for position, speed, torque, flux, and current are developed. Grid connected converters: active filters, HVDC transmission and transistor based HVDC transmission. Renewable energy systems. Devices: diodes, bipolar power transistors, field effect transistors (MOSFET), insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT), thyristors, gate turn-off thyristors and passive components used in power electronic circuits. For the components, the properties, limitations, drive and protective circuitry, are discussed. Loss-estimation and cooling of power electronic devices and equipment.
• Simulations: Analysis of the components and parts of the switch mode power supply and transistor full-bridge converter also examined experimentally in the laboratory. The simulation program used is a commercially available power electronics simulation package;
• 6 home assignments containing calculus and simulation work covers the course curricula regarding electrical machines and control of electrical drives. The exercise hours are used for supervision of the home assignments;
• Laboratory work: Practical aspects of power electronic control of electrical drives are emphasized in numerous laboratory sessions and simulation exercises. Experimental validation of the operation of a switch mode power supply and a transistor full-bridge converter;
• Project: One report on practical aspects of electrical drives including results based on the home assignments. One report on the simulation and the experimental laboratory work on the switch mode power supply and the transistor full-bridge converter. Written and oral report.