The course starts with a general overview of quantum computation and quantum information (Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information", chapter 1) and a recapitulation of the fundamental elements in quantum mechanics (chapter 2) and computer science (chapter 3) needed for the rest of the course. The second part of the course is then focussed specifically on quantum computation, treating quantum gates and quantum algorithms. In particular the quantum Fourier transform that is used in the Shor's algorithm for factorisation of large integers and search algorithms like the Grover's algorithm are treated. Experimental realisation schemes for quantum computers are also treated in this part of the course. Finally a more general treatment of quantum information is given in the last part of the course. Including topics as, the influence of noise on quantum processes, error-correction codes, the connection between entropy and information or more general aspects on quantum information including topics such as quantum communication and quantum cryptography.