Valid from: Spring 2014
Decided by: FN3/Per Tunestål
Date of establishment: 2014-05-15
Division: Solid Mechanics
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of advanced finite element methods. The course deals with advanced topics and analysis of the finite element method. The aim of the course if to present advanced theories and also implement them in a finite element environment.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Mixed formulation, Plates and shells, Assumed strain and enhanced strain elements, Accuracy and error control, Solution procedure, Finite element with constraints
Bathe, K.: Finite Element Procedures. Prentice Hall.
Types of instruction: Seminars, exercises, project
Examination format: Written report
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Course coordinators: