Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course FKFF01F valid from Spring 2014

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  • English
  • Every spring semester
  • The course should provide understanding of physical, chemical and meteorological processes in the atmosphere as well as environmental concequences of changes of atmospheric composition caused by human activities, such as climate change and destruction of stratospheric ozone. The course should also provide a capability to assess and discuss environmental issues within the working life and societal debate from a natural science perspective.
  • Atmospheric composition and thermodynamical properties, meteorology, meteorological models, geochemical cycles, climate, greenhouse gases, aerosol, chemical kinetics, stratospheric ozone, oxidising power of the atmosphere, tropospheric ozone and acid rain.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • * be able to undertake physical and chemical calculations for the atmosphere based on presented methodology and modelling tools, such as meteorological box models and simple climate models, and to interpret the results from atmospheric and environmental perspectives
    * be able to describe and understand the role of atmospheric processes in important environmental issues from a narural science perspective
    * know how to explain qualitatively and in some cases quantitatively the impact of human activities on the atmosphere, and in a wider perspective, the conditions for life
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • * be able to integrate material on the atmosphere from several disciplines
    * acquire knowledge to integrate material from text books and simpler scientific literature
    * carry out project work and plan a presentation
    * increased ability to present a project and discuss their results with the teachers and course participants
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • * have increased capability to assess and discuss environmental issues
    within the working life and societal debate from a natural science
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Exercises
  • Project
  • The project comprises studies of a scintific paper, follow-up and presentation during a mini symposium.
    The project can be extended to a more comprehensive project (focusing on a special topic). The course then gives 7,5 hp.
Examination Formats
  • Written exam
  • Written report
  • The examination consists of a written exam where the student individually answers questions of both calculation and descriptive character, and a project.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
Assumed Prior Knowledge
Selection Criteria
  • Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry. 1999. ISBN 9780691001852.
Further Information
Course code
  • FKFF01F
Administrative Information
  •  -11-08
  • FN1/Björn Regnell

All Published Course Occasions for the Course Syllabus

4 course occasions.

Course code ▽ Course Name ▽ Division ▽ Established ▽ Course syllabus valid from ▽ Start Date ▼ End Date ▽ Published ▽
FKFF01F Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Nuclear Physics 2014‑02‑24 Spring 2014 2014‑03‑19 2014‑06‑04 2014‑02‑24
FKFF01F Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Nuclear Physics 2015‑01‑07 Spring 2014 2015‑03‑25 2015‑06‑04 2015‑01‑07
FKFF01F Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Nuclear Physics 2016‑01‑19 Spring 2014 2016‑03‑30 2016‑06‑04 2016‑01‑19
FKFF01F Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Nuclear Physics 2016‑11‑29 Spring 2014 2017‑03‑22 2017‑05‑29 2016‑11‑29

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