Valid from: Autumn 2016
Decided by: FN1/AndersGustafsson
Date of establishment: 2016-04-28
Division: Nuclear Physics
Course type: Course given jointly for second and third cycle
The course is also given at second-cycle level with course codes: FKFN05, FYSN15
Teaching languages: English, Swedish
The course aim is a deeper insight into experimental physics and nuclear physics in particular and to give an overview of the tool box available for the experimentalist. The doctoral student will learn to understand and apply generic experimental tools and techniques used in the natural sciences and in particular in physics. In addition, the student will be oriented on contemporary large-scale infrastructure for physics research e.g. MAX IV, ESS, DESY, CERN. The course elements are dedicated to different subjects and focus for the individual student will be on those parts not earlier encountered.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must be able to seek relevant scientific information on a course subject and summarize it in a report.
Accelerators and radiation sources Interaction of radiation with matter. Detectors and instrumentation for nuclear physics experiment Analogue and digital electronics Statistical analysis, experimental planning, simulation The function of accelerators and radiation sources is presented both in lectures and during along study visits to the research divisions, which show and explain the infrastructure being used to create controlled reactions. The practical exercises are important and are mainly performed with research equipment at the department. For well performed experiments, statistical analysis, data handling and simulations are necessary and this is treated as separate projects.
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, laboratory exercises, exercises, project, study visit. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory exercises, project, and study visits
Examination formats: Written report, written assignments.
In order to pass the course the student is required to have approved practical reports, to have acceptable hand-in exercises, and to have actively participated in all compulsory course elements and tutorials.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: FAFF10 Atomic and Nuclear Physics with Applications, or similar.
Course coordinator: Jan Pallon <>
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