Course Syllabus for

Nuclear Physics, Advanced Course
Kärnfysik, fördjupningskurs

FKFN20F, 7.5 credits

Valid from: Autumn 2016
Decided by: FN1/AndersGustafsson
Date of establishment: 2016-04-25

General Information

Division: Nuclear Physics
Course type: Course given jointly for second and third cycle
The course is also given at second-cycle level with course code: FKFN20
Teaching language: English


The course is intended to give a deeper insight in the physics of the atomic nucleus in a quantum mechanical point of view. Treated subjects are models of the nucleus, decay processes and nuclear reactions. The course has many connections to ongoing research in basic and applied nuclear physics at Lund University.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Course Contents

Nuclear forces, nuclear models, radioactive decay, alpha, beta and gamma emission, nuclear reactions, fission and fusion, nuclear reactors, astrophysical aspects of nuclear physics, nuclear spectroscopy.

Course Literature

Instruction Details

Types of instruction: Lectures, laboratory exercises, exercises

Examination Details

Examination formats: Oral exam, written assignments. Oral examination, requires passed problem sheets (written assigments), laboratory works and reports. The laboratory works are made in groups.
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Assumed prior knowledge: FYSA01, FAFF10, or similar

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

Course coordinator: Dirk Rudolph <>
Web page:

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