
Lunds tekniska högskola | Lunds universitet

Detaljer för kurs FMA305F Potentialteori i det komplexa planet

Utskriftsvänlig visning

  • FMA305F
  • Tillfällig
  • Potential Theory in the Complex Plane
  • 7.5
  • Ren forskarutbildningskurs
Administrativ information
  • 7151 (Matematikcentrum (inst LTH) / Matematik (LTH))
  •  -11-15
  • Professor Thomas Johansson

Aktuell fastställd kursplan

  • To give a postgraduate student in, e.g., complex analysis, harmonic analysis and partial differential equations good knowledge about a number of basic concepts and tools in modern analysis.
  • Harmonic functions of two variables: Harmonic and holomorphic functions, the Dirichlet problem on the disc, positive harmonic functions.

    Subharmonic functions: Upper semicontinuous functions, subharmonic functions, the maximum principle, criteria for subharmoniciy, integrability, convexity, smoothing.

    Potential theory: Potentials, polar sets, equilibrium measures, upper semicontinuous regularization, minus-infinity sets, removable singularities, the generalized Laplacian, thinness.

    The Dirichlet problem: Solution of the Dirichlet problem, criteria for regularity, harmonic measure, Green's functions, the Poisson-Jensens formula.

    Capacity: Capacity as a set function, computation of capacity, estimation of capacity, criteria for thinness, transfinite diameter.
Kunskap och förståelse
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to state some of the most important properties of harmonic functions of two variables.

    be able to account for the basic theory for subharmonic functions.

    be able to explain the following concepts from the theory of potentials: potential, polar set, equilibrium measure, upper semicontinuous regularization, weak form of the Poisson equation.

    be able to account for the following concepts from the theory for the Dirichlet problem in the plane: Perron function, barrier, regular boundary point, harmonic measure, Green's function, the Poisson-Jensen formula.

    be able to give the definition of the capacity of a set, be able to evaluate it in simple cases, and to estimate it in more general cases.

    be able to describe applications of potential theory to other mathematical fields, e.g. functional analysis, approximation theory, complex analysis or complex dynamics.
Färdighet och förmåga
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • Föreläsningar
  • Seminarieföredrag av deltagarna
  • Underkänd, godkänd
Förutsatta förkunskaper
  • Analytic functions and basic measure theory.
  • Ransford, T.: Potential Theory in the Complex Plane. Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 9780521466547.
Övrig information
  • Contacts: Jacob Stordal Christiansen ( and Frank Wikström ( .
  • FMA305F
Administrativ information
  •  -11-15
  • Professor Thomas Johansson

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HT 2018 2018‑11‑01 08:22:47 2018‑11‑01 10:01:24 2018‑11‑15

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