Course Syllabus for

Motion Planning and Control with Project Part
Rörelseplanering och reglering med projektdel

FRT180F, 9 credits

Valid from: Autumn 2017
Decided by: Professor Thomas Johansson
Date of establishment: 2017-12-07

General Information

Division: Automatic Control
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English


The aim of the course is to study methods for automated motion planning and related approaches for control design. A particular focus in the course is to use the studied methods in practice and how the algorithms could be used as one component in a larger hierarchical control system.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Course Contents

Introduction to Motion Planning and Control, Fundamental Concepts in Motion Planning, Sampling-Based Methods in Motion Planning, Combinatorial Motion Planning, Motion Planning for Time-Varying and Hybrid Systems, Introduction to Motion Planning and Feedback Control, Sampling-Based and Optimization-Based Motion Planning with Differential Constraints, Methods from System Theory and Analytical Techniques for Motion Planning and Control, Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning and Control.

Course Literature

LaValle, Steven M.: Planning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006.
The book is complemented with several scientific papers and book chapters.

Instruction Details

Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, project

Examination Details

Examination formats: Written report, written assignments, seminars given by participants. In order to receive course credits, the participant is required to: * Attend the weekly meetings and actively take part in the discussions during the seminars. * Submit the hand-in assignments prior to each meeting (primarily implementation code or scripts with comments, no extensive written reports required). * Prepare and give one, or at most two, lectures during the course. * Complete a mini project, present it at a project seminar and present the results in a written report.
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

Course coordinators:
Web page:

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