Valid from: Autumn 2013
Decided by: FN1/Anders Gustafsson
, FN2/Eva Nordberg Karlsson, FN3/Per Tunestål
Date of establishment: 2013-05-28
Division: Doctoral Research Training
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The aim of the course is to provide participants with a foundation in R&D project management. The focus is on different techniques and models, but also on interpersonal aspects of project work.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must master different tools and techniques in project management.
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must demonstrate an increased awareness and personal approach to projects as a method of work.
The course deals with key project methods and their potential and limitations in R&D projects. The areas addressed include integration, scope, scheduling, financial control, quality governance, human resources management, communication, risk management and procurement. Participants are introduced to tools and computer aids and to a project model to aid planning, control and implementation of R&D projects.
The required reading is determined at the start of the course.
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, exercises, project. The course consists of lectures, seminars, group work, individual reflections and literature surveys. Active participation in course activities and group work is a requirement. Participants are to produce individual written reflections prior to the seminars. Presentations are made both orally and in writing (both in groups and individually). Participants are to keep an individual “learning log” on a continual basis and report it at the end of the course.
Examination formats: Written assignments, seminars given by participants.
For a Pass on the course, participants must have attended 80 % of the scheduled course activities and participated actively, through oral and written presentations, at the final seminar. The participants’ results are continually assessed through group discussions of the individual reflections. The assessment focuses on the participants’ understanding, insight and ability to conduct project management.
If the examiner finds that there are valid reasons, a participant may have certain components assessed in a different manner.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: To be admitted to the course applicants have to be admitted to a PhD programme at LTH.
Selection criteria: Priority is given to 1) students who have previously applied to the course and were eligible at the time, 2) students who are closest to finishing their PhD programmes.
Course coordinator: Kristian Widén <>
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