Kursplan för

Theory of Science and Methodology of Research
Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik

GEM040F, 4.5 högskolepoäng

Gäller från och med: Autumn 2013
Beslutad av: FN1/Anders Gustafsson , FN2/Eva Nordberg Karlsson, FN3/Per Tunestål
Datum för fastställande: 2013-05-28

Allmänna uppgifter

Avdelning: Doctoral Research Training
Kurstyp: Ren forskarutbildningskurs
Undervisningsspråk: English, Swedish


The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to theory of science issues and methods relevant to research and development in the engineering sciences. A further aim is to encourage reflection and constructive critical discussion of current research, research methods and their background.


Kunskap och förståelse

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden have general knowledge of key theory of science issues and discussions such as “What is science? What is empirical support? Can a hypothesis be falsified? What is a scientific explanation? What are the roles of experiments and observations in science? Are scientific theories true? How are scientific concepts formed?”.

Färdighet och förmåga

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden demonstrate willingness to discuss theory of science issues with other doctoral students and researchers.


The course starts with an introductory part in which the most important scientific strategies and their applicability to different types of research are discussed. This is followed by a part addressing in greater detail theory of science themes such as ontology, observation and explanations. A concluding component addresses the modern debate and present-day engineering research.


Kursens undervisningsformer

Undervisningsformer: Föreläsningar, seminarier, övningar. The course consists of lectures, seminars, oral presentations and written assignments.

Kursens examination

Examinationsformer: Inlämningsuppgifter, seminarieföredrag av deltagarna. The assessment is based on continual written assignments and oral presentations. For a Pass on the course, participants must have passed all assignments in the course and made an oral presentation.
Betygsskala: Underkänd, godkänd


Förkunskapskrav: To be admitted to the course applicants have to be part of a PhD programme at LTH.
Urvalskriterier: Priority is given to: 1) PhD students who have previously applied to the course and were eligible at the time, 2) PhD students who are closest to finishing their PhD programmes.


Kontaktinformation och övrigt

Kursansvarig: Nils-Eric Sahlin <nils-eric.sahlin@med.lu.se>
Hemsida: https://www.lth.se/english/cee/doctoral-education-support/faculty-wide-phd-courses/

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