Valid from: Autumn 2022
Decided by: Martin Tunér
Date of establishment: 2022-11-07
Division: Doctoral Research Training
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The aim of the course is to help doctoral students and researchers at LTH to formulate a useful research data strategy and thereby also meet legal requirements and funder mandates for performance in data planning, documentation, preservation and sharing in an increasingly complex digital research environment.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
The course is an introduction to the management of research data and today’s developments around data management planning, data collection, data curation and data publication. Also, aspects of data documentation (metadata) standards, data citation and juridical aspects of research data are included. The course will follow the data principles “FAIR Data Principles” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). Exercises and assignments will focus on best practices for the research data life cycle and day-to-day research data management. Preparation of an individual data management plan and planning for making data available for publication including making data FAIR.
Liutteraturen includerar artiklar, videos och annat material som tillhandahålls under kursens gång..
Course leaders: Fredrik Edman and Ebba Ruhe.
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, exercises, project
Examination formats: Written assignments, seminars given by participants, miscellaneous.
A minimum of 80% attendance.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: To be admitted to the course, participants need to be admitted as doctoral students.
Assumed prior knowledge: None.
Selection criteria: Priority is given to doctoral students admitted to third-cycle studies at LTH, with higher priority of more senior research students. Researchers at LTH who are required to produce a data management plan by for instance a funding agency are also prioritized. Others are welcome in case the course is not full.
Course coordinators:
Web page: