Kursplan för

Industrial Biorefineries
Industriella bioraffinaderier

KET095F, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Gäller från och med: Spring 2017
Beslutad av: Margareta Sandahl
Datum för fastställande: 2017-01-18

Allmänna uppgifter

Avdelning: Chemical Engineering
Kurstyp: Ren forskarutbildningskurs
Undervisningsspråk: English


This course aims at giving the participants an overview of current industrial implementation of chemical production based on biorenewable raw material, as well provide a more in-depth insight into the factors which promote or hinder the development of these "biorefineries".


Kunskap och förståelse

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden The course participants shall have acquired a good overview of the currently industrially implemented biorefineries. Furthermore, they shall be able to - in detail - account for the specific processes that their project group have worked with in preparation for their seminars. This includes both the technical aspects and market perspectives.

Färdighet och förmåga

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden The course participants shall after finishing the course be able to make a preliminary new process design (including the unit operations) for a renewable raw material taking into account all parts of this raw material. Furthermore, the participants shall be able to identify the most likely bottlenecks hindering or restricting the commercial applicability of the new process.

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden The participants shall be able to take part in and contribute to the societal discussion on transition towards a less fossile-based chemical industry.


The course gives an overvies of a number of current Industrial processes based on renewable biomass resources. These processes will be analyzed in terms of their fundamental conversion and separation processes, as well as their market perspectives. The course will cover 10 selected processes from the text book. In addition there will be an open-ended designproblem, which the course participants will work on and which will be discussed.


Maria, P.: Biorenewables - A practical Viewpoint. Wiley, 2016. ISBN 9781118843727.

Kursens undervisningsformer

Undervisningsformer: Seminarier, projekt. This course is based on industrial cases. These cases will be discussed in seminars, in which responsibilities are distributed among the participants.

Kursens examination

Examinationsformer: Skriftlig rapport, seminarieföredrag av deltagarna. The course requires the participants to prepare - in groups - seminars on selected cases from the course literature. Furthermore, an open-ended project shall be completed and reported in writing as well as in a seminar.
Betygsskala: Underkänd, godkänd
Examinator: Professor emeritus Gunnar Lidén


Förutsatta förkunskaper: The course participants are expected to be well acquinted with chemical and/or biochemical fundamentals, typically through a completed M.Sc. in Chemical or Biochemical Engineering, or a natural science education in Chemistry / Biochemistry.
Minsta antal deltagare: 5


Startdatum: 2021-01-25. Startdatumet är ungefärligt.
Slutdatum: 2021-06-04
Kursfart: Not specified


Send e-mail to gunnar.liden@chemeng.lth.se or Ola.wallberg@chemeng.lth.se

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