
Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Detaljer för kursplan för kurs KIM070F giltig från och med Autumn 2018

Utskriftsvänlig visning

  • The accumulation of genetic alternations and the loss of cellular regulatory processes are characteristics of cancer. When the immune system fails to recognise and eliminate rogue cells and activate anti-tumour immunity, cells begin to replicate uncontrollably, transforming, outgrowing and becoming neoplasms and eventually invasive tumours. However, since Paul Ehrlich introduced the idea of immunotherapy more than 100 years ago, scientists have been investigating extensively how the host and tumour cell interactions could be manipulated in order to stimulate the immune cells to recognise and target cancer cells. This is the main aim of the current immunotherapeutic approaches.
    Students will study and discuss the concept of cancer immunology, focusing on the immune cells involved in cancer elimination, their role in various tumour types, as well as the current immunotherapeutic strategies that exist in cancer treatment and are in the pipeline.
  • The course is intended to give students an insight on the field of onco-immunology, how the immune system activates anti-tumour immunity and the different types of cancer immunotherapy that exist for the various cancer types.
Kunskap och förståelse
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to describe in detail the concept of immunotherapy, immunoediting, how the different immune cell types contribute to anti-tumour immune response and the current cancer immunotherapeutic strategies.
Färdighet och förmåga
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to reflect in depth the different immune strategies that exist, how these can be used in the treatment of cancer and the pros and cons of such therapies.
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to demonstrate the ability to present, critique and debate scientific knowledge and theory within the area of oncoimmunology.
  • övningar
  • The discussion sessions will be based on problem-based learning together with problem exercises defined by the examiner, that illustrate various aspects of the theory in the course. Each of the exercises will be dealt with in 2 one-hour meetings between the self-study periods. The course will extend over approximately 10 weeks.
  • övrigt
  • Miscellaneous. Active participation in problem based learning groups at a level relevant for the learning objectives. If required (due to absence from study group meetings): written reports. If the level is in doubt: oral exam.
  • Underkänd, godkänd
  • Accepted to a PhD or expected to be accepted
Förutsatta förkunskaper
  • Basic knowledge of cellular and molecular biology (first cycle)
  • Accepted to a PhD, or expected to be accepted, at LTH
  • Clarke, S., Li, B.T., Fast Facts: Immuno-Oncology (2017). Health Press Edition..
  • The course litterature also consist of approximately 15 scientific articles selected by the examiner
Övrig information
  • Will normally be given every second fall term (if at least 6 students will take the course; may also be given with fewer students). Not more than 10 students will be admitted any given semester.
  • KIM070F
Administrativ information
  •  -08-21
  • Head of department Mats Ohlin

Alla publicerade kurstillfällen för kursplanen

2 kurstillfällen.

Kurskod ▽ Kursnamn ▼ Avdelning ▽ Inrättad ▽ Kursplan giltig från ▽ Startdatum ▽ Slutdatum ▽ Publicerad ▽
KIM070F Oncoimmunology Immunotechnology Autumn 2018 2018‑10‑10 (ungefärligt) 2018‑12‑12
KIM070F Oncoimmunology Immunotechnology Autumn 2018 2023‑01‑17 (ungefärligt) 2023‑06‑15

Utskriftsvänlig visning