Valid from: Spring 2015
Decided by: FN3/Per Tunestål
Date of establishment: 2015-04-07
Division: Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The aim of the course is to mediate knowledge of how particles may affect human health. Particles of different origin such as atmospheric, indoor, workplace aerosols and engineered nanoparticles will be covered. The participants will learn how to assess exposures and effects of particles as well as relationships between particle properties and toxicological effects. The course will provide insight into the latest research in the field through lectures given by leading invited researchers.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
• Basic lung physiology, basic toxicology (genotoxicity), inflammatory processes • Basic aerosol physics and chemistry • Techniques to measure exposure and characterize particles • Known diseases associated with particles and ways to measure health effects • Short- and longterm effects of particle exposure, population-studies • Formation of particles, dispersion and transformation and deposition in the lungs • The occurrence of particles and their properties at various work places as well as in out- and indoors air • Important sources such as combustion-derived particles, atmospheric particles • Engineered nanoparticles / nanotoxicology • Toxicological approaches based on cell, animal and humans exposures • Particle interactions with proteins • Aerosol drug delivery in pharmaceutical industry • Electronic cigarettes • Exposure assessment and risk assessment
Ruzer, L. & Harley, N.: Aerosols Handbook: Meaurement, Dosimetry, and Health Effects. ISBN 9781439855102.
In addition overview papers and other book chapters
Types of instruction: Lectures, laboratory exercises, project, self-study literature review, study visit
Examination formats: Written report, written assignments.
• Individual home assignment task before the lecture part of the course, summarize two review papers and discuss these in groups 0,5 week (0,75 points)
• Lectures 1,5 week (2,25 points)
• Multi-disciplinary group task on a societal problem related to particles and health. Presented in writing and orally 1,5 week (2,25 points)
• Final home assignment 0,5 week (0,75 points)
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: The course is open for PhD-students within the area particles and health. Last year master students who have a documented research interest in the area will be admitted if there are spaces left.
Assumed prior knowledge: Knowledge on advanced level on either aerosol technology/exposure assessment/nanotechnology/combustion or toxicology/medicine/biomarkers
Selection criteria: PhD students within the Metalund research school have primary priority. Secondary priority to other PhD students with relevant research direction for the scope of the course. Maximum 20-25 participants
Course coordinators: