Kursplan för

Applied Statistics
Tillämpad statistik

MAM005F, 1.5 högskolepoäng

Gäller från och med: Autumn 2016
Beslutad av: Mats Ohlin
Datum för fastställande: 2016-11-11

Allmänna uppgifter

Avdelning: Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
Kurstyp: Ren forskarutbildningskurs
Undervisningsspråk: English, Swedish


To give participants an introduction to a statistical thinking, statistical methodology and management of empirical data in a statistical program. After the course, participants are able to perform and interpret the results of simple statistical analyzes and critically examine elementary statistics in scientific studies.


Kunskap och förståelse

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

Färdighet och förmåga

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden be able to discuss the concepts of causality and generalizability.


This course has a similar content as “Applied statistics” at the medical faculty, LU. The course includes the following three blocks: 1) Introduction to medical statistics a. Study design b. Generalizability c. Basic statistical concepts d. Descriptive statistics 2) Parameter estimates and hypothesis testing a. Basic principles b. P-value, confidence intervals and statistical power c. Common statistical tests for comparing two groups 3) Data management a. Create and validate datasets b. Documentation c. Basic knowledge in a statistical package (SPSS) d. Reproducible analyses (script-based) This course discusses questions that can be studied through quantitative methods. The course discuss common statistic concepts different measures of dispersions and proper graphical techniques to visualize and study characteristics of the collected data. The course will also introduce concepts like parameter estimation, and uncertainty will be discussed and described through standard errors and confidence intervals. Additionally hypothesis testing, p-values and statistical power are introduced. The course will also cover basic tests for comparing two groups e.g., t-test, Mann-Whitney, Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test. Focus will be on interpretation and on which conclusions can be drawn from the results based on statistical significance, evidence, effect size and generalizability. The course also includes a practical introduction to a statistical package (SPSS). This session focuses on principles for data management but the participants’ will also get the opportunity to conduct the statistical analyses covered in the course.


Björk, J.: Praktisk statistik för medicin och hälsa.. Liber, 2010.
Alternative in English: Kirkwood B and Sterne J. Essential Medical Statistics. Blackwell Science, 2a upplagan, 2003. Kapitel B: 2-8 samt C: 14, 15 och 17.

Kursens undervisningsformer

Undervisningsformer: Föreläsningar, seminarier, övningar

Kursens examination

Examinationsformer: Skriftlig rapport, inlämningsuppgifter. Active participation (>80%) and written report.
Betygsskala: Underkänd, godkänd
Examinator: Professor Jakob Löndahl


Förkunskapskrav: Admission to postgraduate studies.
Minsta antal deltagare: 3
Begränsat antal platser: 10
Urvalskriterier: Based on need to carry out research work.


Startdatum: 2020-11-01. Startdatumet är ungefärligt.
Slutdatum: 2020-12-30
Kursfart: 25% of full time


The course is given in Swedish

Kontaktinformation och övrigt


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