be able to give different conditions for a function of several complex variables to be holomorphic and to explain why they are equivalent.
be able to account for the theory of domains of holomorphy. In particular be able to give some examples.
be able to explain how analytic continuation in several variables is different from the situation in one variable, in particular account for some versions of Hartogs’ extension theorem.
be able to describe the local structure of zero sets of holomorphic functions and how they relate to analytic sets and complex submanifolds.
be able to explain how pluripotential theory, in particular the study of plurisubharmonic functions, is needed to develop general methods for solving d-bar equations.
be able to compare and contrast different notions of convexity, in particular geometric convexity and pseudoconvexity.
be able to give some examples of integral representation formulas for holomorphic functions in several variables.
be able to give some examples of the relevance of the solvability of d-bar equations.