Valid from: Spring 2021
Decided by: Senior lecturer Åsa Håkansson
Date of establishment: 2020-12-01
Division: Product development
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The course aims to increase knowledge and reflection within the PhD student's own research area and its scientific approach. Thereby the course gives also the possibility for the PhD student to demonstrate that learning outcomes not usually assessed through the doctoral thesis or other courses are met.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must actively use the knowledge and concepts presented in the seminars by explicit reflecting over them in relation to the PhD student's own research area, or the subject of innovation and design in general
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must demonstrate the ability to further develop one's own understanding of the knowledge and concepts presented in the seminars trough dismantling and reconstructing these knowledge and concepts in relation to one's earlier knowledge or experiences. The arguments should be tied to the PhD student's own research area and adjacent areas within innovation or design
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
The course consists of a series of seminars whose content will vary depending on the participants' research focus and need for knowledge. The seminars might have topics such as disciplinary rectitude, ethical assessment within innovation and design, article writing, ability to give and take criticism or new research findings in innovation and design. Priority will be given to those learning goals included in the degree of doctor that for some students cannot be examined in the doctoral thesis or in other courses. The course will provide at least three seminars each semester. The seminars will be given by senior researchers affiliated to the Department of Design Sciences or by invited experts. The seminars require active participation from the PhD students. They are expected: 1. To prepare themselves before the seminar by critical reading and reflection over the accompanying reading material; 2. During the seminar, to actively contribute to the content of the discussion; 3. After the seminar, in written form, to summarize and reflect over the discussed topic relative to their own research area or to the subject of design and innovation in general as well as to peer-review of another student's reflection. Preparation, participation and written reflection for one seminar occasion corresponds to 0.5 credits. To pass the course, active participation and individual written reflections inclusive peer-review are required to at least five seminars. The number of seminars ensures that all participants have several seminars within their specific research focus or need for knowledge. This course might be given in coordination with the course Advanced Seminars in Innovation and Design, Part 1.
Reading material for each seminar is provided by responsible/invited researcher or expert. Current reading material should be accessible for the course participants in good time before each seminar, to facilitate reading and review.
Types of instruction: Seminars, miscellaneous. Seminars and own study time.
Examination formats: Written assignments, miscellaneous.
The examination is based on active participation in discussions, i.e., own contribution to the joint critical discussion during the seminars, as well as individual written reflections and peer-reviews after the seminars.
The PhD student can not be re-examined in a seminar topic already discussed in the course Advanced seminars in innovation and design, part 1, without prior agreement with the course examiner.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: Advanced Seminars in Innovation and Design, Part 1 or equivalent
Course responsible: Elin Olander. Course registration: apply to Elin Olander directly ( The course is given all year long, and the seminars are normally independent of each other. The course is therefore always open for registration.
Course coordinator: Elin Olander <>