Kursplan för

Manufacturing Systems, Advanced Course
Tillverkningssystem, fortsättningskurs

MMTN05F, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Gäller från och med: Spring 2014
Beslutad av: FN3/Per Tunestål
Datum för fastställande: 2013-11-01

Allmänna uppgifter

Avdelning: Productions and Materials Engineering
Kurstyp: Gemensam kurs, avancerad nivå och forskarnivå
Kursen ges även på avancerad nivå med kurskod: MMTN05
Undervisningsspråk: English, Swedish


This course will enhance the understanding of the important links that exist between technology and economy, providing know-how to apply economic conditions as an instrument for production and formulation of a production development strategy for a given section of a manufacturing system. Further, the course will make clear the interdependence of product development including materials, production processes and sustainable manufacturing systems.


Kunskap och förståelse

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

Färdighet och förmåga

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden


The course further highlights the vital link that exists between economics and technology. The course focuses on applying the knowledge acquired from previous courses including Flexible Manufacturing Systems (MMT045). A major project is carried out in collaboration with nearby industries. Furthermore, the course provides deeper knowledge of key performance indicators (KPIs), economic analysis of balance delay, optimal manning and optimal automation. Studies are also carried out on the interaction between product development and production, the relationships between product development strategy and investment strategy, production conditions in foreign countries particularly emerging countries, technology transfer between product owners and contractors, evaluation of different manufacturing systems regarding production performance, primarily based on quality and delivery reliability.


Ståhl, J.: Development of Manufacturing Systems - The link between technology and economics. 2013.

Kursens undervisningsformer

Undervisningsformer: Föreläsningar, laborationer, övningar, projekt

Kursens examination

Examinationsformer: Skriftlig tentamen, inlämningsuppgifter
Betygsskala: Underkänd, godkänd


Förkunskapskrav: MMT045 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Förutsatta förkunskaper: MMT012 Production and Manufacturing Methods or MMTA05 Production Systems


Kontaktinformation och övrigt

Hemsida: www.iprod.lth.se

Fullständig visning