Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for Course VBM005F Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB

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  • VBM005F
  • Temporary
Course Name
  • Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB
Course Extent
  • 4.5
Type of Instruction
  • Course given jointly for second and third cycle
Administrative Information
  • 7432 (Dept of Building and Environmental Techn / Building Materials)
  •  -03-22
  • FN3/Per Tunestål

Current Established Course Syllabus

  • English
  • Every autumn semester
  • That the participants shall be able to use MATLAB to do advanced evaluations of their measured data.
  • Many PhD-students that work experimentally do not evaluate their results by efficient and scientific methods, and their results thereby do not get the attention they deserve. It is for example common to see non-physical curve fits and fonts that are too small to read. MATLAB offers a computer environment where one can evaluate measurements and visualize results almost without any limitations. With MATLAB one can therefore realize one's scientific ideas and go from "acceptable" to "perfect". This course gives an introduction to MATLAB as a tool to evaluate measured data with the following parts: 1. Introduction. 2. Commands and structure. 3. Basic curve fitting. 4. Program control. 5. Functions. 6. Advanced graphics and input/output. 7. Strings and data structures. 8. Efficient programming. 9. Advanced curve fitting. 10. Forward-difference simulations. 11. Filtering. 12. Graphical user interfaces. 13. Monte-carlo simulations. 14. Smart uses of MATLAB.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Show that he/she understands the basic concepts of programming and data evaluation in MATLAB.
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Show that he/she can use MATLAB to solve different types of problems when evaluating measured data.
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Show that he/she can chose the optimal MATLAB tools to solve problems when evaluating measured data.
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Exercises
  • The course consists of 14 lessons (2 h each) with introductions by the course leader and discussions on how to solve different types of problems.
Examination Formats
  • Written assignments
  • After each lesson one problem shall be solved by MATLAB. A solution should be handed in before the next lesson.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • Course is open to all PhD-students.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • None, but it is an advantage if you have worked with MATLAB and/or other programming languages. If you have not, you will be given some exercises to do before the course starts.
Selection Criteria
  • Participant from Builiding Materials.
  • Wadsö, L.: Evaluating measurements with MATLAB.
  • A compendium that is distributed to the participants.
Further Information
  • Lars Wadsö, Building Materials LTH (
Course code
  • VBM005F
Administrative Information
  •  -03-22
  • FN3/Per Tunestål

All Established Course Syllabi

1 course syllabus.

Valid from First hand in Second hand in Established
Spring 2013 2013‑03‑08 17:12:13 2013‑03‑08 17:47:22 2013‑03‑22

Current or Upcoming Published Course Occasion

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All Published Course Occasions

4 course occasions.

Course code ▽ Course Name ▽ Division ▽ Established ▽ Course syllabus valid from ▼ Start Date ▽ End Date ▽ Published ▽
VBM005F Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB Building Materials 2013‑08‑07 Spring 2013 2013‑09‑09 2013‑12‑20 2013‑08‑07
VBM005F Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB Building Materials Spring 2013 2014‑09‑01 (approximate) 2014‑12‑20
VBM005F Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB Building Materials Spring 2013 2015‑09‑01 (approximate) 2015‑12‑20
VBM005F Evaluating Measurements with MATLAB Building Materials Spring 2013 2016‑09‑01 (approximate) 2016‑12‑20

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