Valid from: Autumn 2015
Decided by: Rektor Viktor Öwall
Date of establishment: 2016-06-21
Division: Real Estate Science
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: Swedish
The course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in public economics, ie when the market is not functioning in a satisfactory manner and public intervention can be justified . The course aims to provide students with knowledge of how individuals and the economy as a whole is affected by government intervention and how public decisions are made and implemented and what impact the decision making has for individuals and the economy.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must develop the ability to pursue further studies in the subject and the ability to seek and evaluate information with a high degree of independence .
The course focuses on the relationship between the public sector and the market in terms of both equity and efficiency. More specifically, the course provides the necessary tools to analyze when the public sector to intervene, the intervention can be effective and the problems that may arise due to imperfect information and other deviations from a perfect market environment. The course begins with a discussion of the arguments for and against public sector involvement in different situations and continue to treat a variety of tools that policymakers can use to maximize welfare and justice with regard to both government expenditure and revenue side. Areas covered include public goods, externalities, social security, income redistribution, efficient and fair taxation, debt management, fiscal federalism and the constraints of globalization for fiscal policy. Part of the course is devoted to the question of how collective decisions are made and the challenges of a collective decision-making entails.
Gayer, T. & Rosen, H.: Public Finance. McGraw-Hill Education, 2013. ISBN 9780078021688.
Types of instruction: Seminars, self-study literature review. Seminars take the shape of discussions with the teacher.
Examination format: Written exam
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: 30 credits in courses in economics
Course coordinators: