Course Syllabus for

Field Investigation Methodology

VTGN01F, 7.5 credits

Valid from: Autumn 2021
Decided by: Professor Thomas Johansson
Date of establishment: 2021-03-31

General Information

Division: Engineering Geology
Course type: Course given jointly for second and third cycle
The course is also given at second-cycle level with course code: VTGN01
Teaching language: English


The main aim of the course is to increase the student's knowledge of the importance and possible content of preinvestigations concerning large infrastructure projects. Geological methodology for reconnaissance and mapping is included as an important part, and geophysical measurement technology is a central part of the course. Furthermore, drilling and sampling technology including methodology of classification and interpretation are parts of the course. A main theme of the course is integrated utilization and interpretation of the different steps and methods within the field investigation process. An important part of the content is consisting of field measurements for engineering and environmental applications, which here mean investigations applied on problems related to engineering geology, foundation engineering, hydrogeology, groundwater protection and contaminated soil. The course includes training in applied interpretation and evaluation methodology and also presentation techniques, as essential parts of the course are organized as a real field investigation. Hereby, the ability of reviewing and producing background material for decisions are trained for different demands and levels of investigation, related to hydrogeological, environmental and large infrastructure projects.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Judgement and Approach

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Course Contents

The aim of the course is achieved by a combination of theoretical studies of measuring principles, planning and execution of field investigations, writing of a technical report and oral presentation at a seminar. The course is dominated by a major compulsory project work which is carried out in groups of three students. The field investigation project consists of establishing a conceptual model, numerical premodelling for design of investigation strategy, field investigation, data processing, inverse modelling, interpretation and also written and oral presentation of results. The field investigation comprises three days and consists of geological field reconnaissance, measurements with a couple of geophysical methods in combination with other field investigation methods as drilling, penetration testing and digging of test pits. Two of the days are carried out in small groups of about three-four students with one teacher per group. During the project work with interpretation and reporting of the field investigations there are frequent possibilities to consult a teacher. The project assignment is presented as a written technical report and it is also presented orally by each group and discussed at the final seminar of the course. Detailed written and oral feedback from the teachers is offered to each group of three students .

Course Literature

Course material in the form of articles and text extracts. Distributed during the course.

Instruction Details

Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, laboratory exercises, exercises, project

Examination Details

Examination formats: Written exam, written report, seminars given by participants
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Admission requirements: - VTGA01 Engineering Geology OR VTGA05 Engineering Geology - FMIN40 Environmental Systems Studies: Environmental Impact Assessment OR FKFN35 Methods for Environmental Monitoring OR FMIF05 Environmental Management OR VTGF01 Rock Mechanics and Construction OR VTGN10 Groundwater Engineering OR corresponding knowledge and skills, evaluated at admission
Assumed prior knowledge: FMAB30 Calculus in Several Variables.

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

Course coordinator: Peter Jonsson <>
Web page:

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