
Lunds tekniska högskola | Lunds universitet

Detaljer för kurs FMN015F Finita volymmetoder

Utskriftsvänlig visning

  • FMN015F
  • Tillfällig
  • Finite Volume Methods
  • 7,5
  • Gemensam kurs, avancerad nivå och forskarnivå
Administrativ information
  • 7154 (Matematikcentrum (inst LTH) / Numerisk analys (LTH))
  •  -03-15
  • FN1/Anders Gustafsson

Aktuell fastställd kursplan

  • Finite Volume methods are the standard numerical methods for the solution of conservation laws, which represent fundamental laws of physics. Of particular importance is the use of the latter to model fluid flows in the form of parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations.

    The course explains basic pitfalls of numerical methods for these equations and how to arrive at stable and convergent finite volume methods of first order.
    The course is necessary for further studies within numerical analysis and also useful for students within applied disciplins where conservation laws are used.
  • Conservation Laws, Reynolds' Transport theorem, Navier-Stokes equations
    Upwind methods and central discretizations
    Stability and the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewys (CFL) condition
    The theorem of Lax Wendroff
    Characteristics, Linear Systems
    Nonlinear systems, Roe's method
    Uniqueness, Entropy solutions, Entropy condition
    Finite Volume methods in multiple dimensions
    Boundary conditions
    Time Integration
    Higher Order, Theorem of Godunov, Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Methods
    Quadrature, DG-Spectral Element Methods
    Stability of DG methods, Time Integration aspects
Kunskap och förståelse
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • demonstrate deep knowledge of mathematical and numerical difficulties regarding shock waves.
Färdighet och förmåga
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to independently choose, implement and use advanced computational methods for conservation laws.

    be able to report solutions and numerical simulations in written form.
    be able to judge the accuracy and relevance of numerical results
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • Föreläsningar
  • övningar
  • Muntlig tentamen
  • Inlämningsuppgifter
  • Underkänd, godkänd
Förutsatta förkunskaper
  • Vector analysis. Programming in Python or Matlab.
  • Numerical Methods for Conservartion Laws.. ISBN 3764324643.
    Birken, P.: Numerical Methods for the Unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. Habilitation Thesis, University of Kassel.. 2012.
  • The course participants may download the second text from the course homepage.
Övrig information
  • Contact person: Philipp Birken,
  • FMN015F
Administrativ information
  •  -03-15
  • FN1/Anders Gustafsson

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HT 2014 2014‑11‑27 17:47:32 2015‑01‑30 10:46:16 2015‑03‑15

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