An overview of language technology: disciplines, applications, and examples
Corpus and word processing: regular expressions, automata, an introduction to Perl, concordances, tokenization, counting words, collocations
Morphology and part-of-speech tagging: word morphology, transducers, part-of-speech tagging,
Phrase-structure grammars: constituents, trees, DCG rules, unification.
Partial parsing: multiword detection, noun group and verb group extraction, information extraction, evaluation
Syntax: formalisms, constituency and dependency, functions, parsing, statistical parsing, dependency parsing.
Semantics: formal semantics, lambda-calculus, lexical semantics, predicate--argument structures, frame semantics, semantic parsing.
Discourse and dialogue: reference and coreference, discourse and rhetoric, discourse relations, parsing discourse relations, dialogue automata, speech acts, multimodality.