
Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Detaljer för kursplan för kurs EIEN01F giltig från och med Spring 2022

Utskriftsvänlig visning

  • The course aims at giving the student knowledge, skills and experience from taking part in an industrially based mechatronic development project, which is conducted up to a working prototype. The principal design of the product has been formed in the course EIEN45 Applied Mechatronics. It is essential that the work is done in a team with competences from various fields.

  • The project is done during two study periods. The course participants should develop the mechatronic parts of those projects or other purely mechatronic products.
    The development process starts with extensive information search, brain storming, and evaluation, activities which often encompass 30-40% of the total work load. This has been done in the course EIEF01 Applied Mechatronics. Then follows in this course selection of concept, constructive design of the product idea, ordering of components, building, testing, and adjustments.

    The course concludes with the official presentation of the designed products, where representatives from industry, course leaders, and the press take part.

Kunskap och förståelse
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • analyze the various parts in a product specification and freely define and evaluate a number of solution concepts according to the principles of product development,
    identify the best solution concept according to selection criteria
    identify constructive components in the given product concept with adequate electronic, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic characteristics,
    define production methods for the selected construction materials,
    describe the principles for real time programming and communication for the integrated control system in the product concept and calculate its data,
    calculate the data for the control electronics and the power electronic and electromagnetic energy converters of the product.
Färdighet och förmåga
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • use applicable methods for product development in a mechatronic team,
    make a specification for suitable materials, production methods, control electronics, and the power electronic and electromagnetic energy converters of a certain product,
    implement a mechatronic concept all the way to a working prototype for industrial application,
    test and evaluate the prototype.

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden
  • be able to work and cooperate with all relevant competences represented in a mechatronic team
    have the understanding and judgment to respect and demand all the various competences that are necessary for mechatronic constructive design.
  • Projekt
  • Skriftlig rapport
  • Seminarieföredrag av deltagarna
  • Underkänd, godkänd
Förutsatta förkunskaper
  • EIEN45 Applied Mechatronics
  • Bradley, D., Seward, D., Dawson, D. & Burge, S.: Mechatronics and the Design of Intelligent Machines and Systems. CRC Press, 2000. ISBN 9780748754434.
Övrig information
  • EIEN01F
Administrativ information
  • 2021-12-01
  • Professor Thomas Johansson

Alla publicerade kurstillfällen för kursplanen

2 kurstillfällen.

Kurskod ▽ Kursnamn ▽ Avdelning ▽ Inrättad ▽ Kursplan giltig från ▽ Startdatum ▼ Slutdatum ▽ Publicerad ▽
EIEN01F Mechatronics, Industrial Product Design Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 2021‑12‑07 Spring 2022 2022‑01‑01 (ungefärligt) 2022‑06‑05 2021‑12‑07
EIEN01F Mechatronics, Industrial Product Design Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 2022‑11‑30 Spring 2022 2023‑01‑01 (ungefärligt) 2023‑06‑04 2022‑11‑30

Utskriftsvänlig visning