
Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Detaljer för kursplan för kurs EIEN50F giltig från och med Spring 2021

Utskriftsvänlig visning

  • Automation is the engineering science utilizing measurements and information in real time in order to optimize material and energy flows in the best possible way. The course also gives a perspective of sustainability and the interplay between energy, water and food globally. The purpose of the course is to give an overview of the different components that constitute an industrial control system and how these work and interact with each other. Another purpose is to give knowledge on the tools and methods to allow the student to independently obtain information, analysis, realisation and assessment of industrial control systems.The course combines the student's previous knowledge from several other courses, such as automatic control, mathematical statistics, measurement technology, and computer engineering, to demonstrate what automation may look like in various industrial branches.
  • Industrial processes: Where is automation applied? Examples from various industrial applications.

    Structuring industrial processes: The concepts of dynamical systems and event driven systems.

    Models: Continuous and time discrete dynamical systems and event driven systems.

    Process monitoring: Sampling of measurement data, filtering and data analysis.

    Structures for industrial control systems: Sequential control, combinatorial networks and continuous processes. Real time programming and industrial communication. Examples of commercial control systems.

    The physical parts of a control system: Data acquisition and actuators.

    Home simulation exercises: Discrete and dynamic systems for which two reports are handed in.

    Laboratory exercises: Structuring and programming of a simple control problem in a laboratory process.
Kunskap och förståelse
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

  • be able to individually apply and integrate knowledge from several courses and technology areas;
    be able to individually describe the concepts of states in mathematical modelling of discrete as well as continuous systems;
    be able to individually explain the different components of an automation system for a simple process and understand how they interact.

Färdighet och förmåga
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

  • be able to individually utilize scientific articles in a specific field of technology and apply methods from them;
    be able to individually divide a system into several samller processes and modularize them for interaction with other processes:
    be able to individually formulate a mathematical model of a simple process from information on the constituting components and how they interact;
    be able to individually use mathematical and statistical methods to analyse important process characteristics;
    be able to individually program a PLC using suitable software and standard languages for a simple sequential control task.
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
  • För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden

  • be able to individually how a larger problem can be divided into well-defined sub-problems for handling several smaller interconnected processes;
    be able to individually assess the appropriateness of control, process monitoring and communication structures for small industrial processes.
  • Föreläsningar
  • Seminarier
  • Laborationer
  • övningar
  • Skriftlig tentamen
  • Skriftlig rapport
  • övrigt
  • Prestationsbedömning
    - Two approved written reports from simulation exercises apply that provide an increased understanding of the basic properties of different dynamic production systems and their stability.
    Furthermore, the approved work task is required from three interconnected lab steps, which in the laboratory environment gradually teaches students to divide larger problems into less well-defined subproblems in order to pass programming and commissioning of a production line.
    - Finally, an approved written exam is required.

  • Underkänd, godkänd
Förutsatta förkunskaper
  • Gustaf Olsson, C.: Industrial Automation. IEA, LTH, 2005.
Övrig information
  • Examiner: Ulf Jeppsson
  • EIEN50F
Administrativ information
  • 2021-06-24
  • Professor Thomas Johansson

Alla publicerade kurstillfällen för kursplanen

3 kurstillfällen.

Kurskod ▽ Kursnamn ▽ Avdelning ▽ Inrättad ▽ Kursplan giltig från ▽ Startdatum ▽ Slutdatum ▲ Publicerad ▽
EIEN50F Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 2021‑11‑04 Spring 2021 2022‑01‑17 2022‑06‑05 2021‑11‑04
EIEN50F Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 2022‑12‑05 Spring 2021 2023‑01‑17 2023‑06‑04 2022‑12‑05
EIEN50F Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 2023‑11‑30 Spring 2021 2024‑01‑17 2024‑06‑02 2023‑11‑30

Utskriftsvänlig visning