The course is a project course, supervised by a department or external research engineer. During the course, students work individually, or in pairs. They plan, design, evaluate, and improve an experimental setup, that is preferably motivated by their doctoral research project. This motivates the following course contents:
* Discussion with research engineer, literature search, and self-study. The purpose here is to familiarize both with concepts and methods (such as additive manufacturing, PCB CAD, embedded programming environments), and to receive training in reading technical documentation (component datasheets, software documentation, tutorials, manual pages).
* Design of cyber-physical experiment setup. The exact content may vary between projects. In some cases, there can be more emphasis on cyber, in others on physical.
* Implementation. This is carried out under the supervision of a research or R&D engineer and focuses on establishing and focusing good practices when it comes to methods, tools, version management, and documentation.
* Evaluation. The main focus here is to develop critical thinking and a structured approach to fault detection and debugging. Identifying aspects with room for improvements and discussing possible such improvements with the supervising engineer concludes the practical course work.