Work form
The work will be part individual and part in group seminars and discussions. The work will be divided into separate modules to be reported individually to the examiner. Each module will be started by a joint discussion where the aims are presented and discussed; a time for a second seminar will also be set at this introductory meeting. At the second seminar each of the participants will share their progress and experience during the course of work. After the second seminar the module will be completed and handed in for review to the course examiner.
Modules (Further information will be given at the introductory seminar of each module):
1. Introduction. Datatypes and variables, program a “randomizer” program. (2ECTS)
2. Analog input using DAQ hardware. Setup a variable in the Labview program for the input of a suitable analog data signal, log the signal and visualize (1,5 HP).
3. Analog output using DAQ hardware (1,5 HP).
4. Using the counter function on the DAQ with Labview (1,5 HP).
5. Digital input/output signals using the DAQ (1,5 HP).