Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course KAS015F valid from Spring 2020

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  • English
  • If sufficient demand
  • The course shall give deep knowledge and understanding about different concepts concerning physical properties of polymers, primarily in the solid state.
  • Polymers in the amorphous state, the liquid crystalline state and the crystalline state. The glass-rubber transition. Cross-linked polymers and rubber elasticity. Polymer viscoelasticity. Mechanical behavior of polymers. Multicomponent polymeric systems.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Be able to deeply describe and analyze important concepts in polymer physics, and to be able to analyze and describe the behavior and properties of polymer materials from a theoretical point of view.
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Be able to plan and evaluate experiments to study the physical properties of polymeric materials.
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Be able to deeply discuss different problems and aspects of polymer physics.
Types of Instruction
  • Seminars
  • Project
  • Self-study literature review
  • The teaching is carried out in the form of seminars where the course participants (after literature studies) present, describe and discuss different areas of polymer physics. A literature project is carried out towards the end of the course where the participants will develop a detailed experimental plan (incl. risk assessment) to experimentally characterize one or several polymer materials, with an evaluation based on theoretical grounds.
Examination Formats
  • Written assignments
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • Approved course KASN20 Polymer Physics, or similar.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • Physical and organic chemistry at basic level.
Selection Criteria
  • Sperling, L.: Introduction to physical polymer science. Wiley-Interscience, 2006.
Further Information
  • The course is given when 5 students are registered and the teacher is available.
Course code
  • KAS015F
Administrative Information
  • 2019-12-17
  • Margareta Sandahl

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