Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course MAM055F valid from Autumn 2023

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  • The student will receive an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of interaction design, with a focus on the usability-oriented design process. Through the course, the student gains a deep understanding of the design process and its connection to learning.
    Through a mix of theory and practical elements, the students will gain insights into how to design useful interactive products and services. The course will also form a basis for future specialisation in interaction design.
  • The structure of the course is based on the usability-oriented design process. Furthermore, theories, methods and techniques for the so-called design process and the more specific design of interactive products and services are treated. The course also provides an overview of the theoretical landscape within the subject of interaction design.

    Central concepts and elements in the course:
    Usability, User experience, Human factors, Design process, User studies, Usability goals, Conceptual design, Interaction techniques, Graphic design, Prototyping, Usability evaluation, Learning.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • define and discuss the subject area of interaction design with its central concepts
    explain the principles behind a usability-oriented design process
    discuss the subject area of interaction design based on different theoretical schools within the subject
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • apply the principles of a usability-oriented design process when designing a prototype for interactive products and services
    apply basic techniques in interaction design when designing interactive products and services
    plan and carry out analysis and evaluation of the usability of interactive products and services

Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • propose and justify changes to interactive products and services
    communicate the interactive properties of a product or service with the support of concepts, theory and principles in the field of interaction design
    independently demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on the implementation of a design process with the support of concepts and theory from the field of interaction design

Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Project
  • Self-study literature review
  • In addition to a start-up lecture, the teaching takes place mainly at the seminars. Each seminar focuses on a specific part of the design process. They also include the supervision of the students' projects in relation to the part of the design process that is focused on the seminar. The student's course project consists of a design project where the problem area is chosen based on the student's own interests and research focus.
    The self-studies consist of two submissions. One focused on the design process and one that aims to provide an overview of the theoretical landscape within the subject of interaction design and to relate it to the student's own research.
Examination Formats
  • Written report
  • Written assignments
  • Seminars given by participants
  • To pass, the following are required: Passed assignments, participation in start-up lecture and approved project work. For approved project work, an approved project report is required, as well as active participation in seminars and supervision.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • The student should be admitted as a PhD student in working environment or another subject where interaction design is a relevant component. The student should be able to motivate that the interaction design topic is relevant for his or her thesis project.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
Selection Criteria
  • Rogers, Y.: HCI Theory: Classical, Modern, and Contemporary. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012.
    Rogers, Y., Sharp, H. & Preece, J.: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (6th edition). John Wiley & Sons, 2023. ISBN 9781119901112.
  • The course literature also consists of about 200 pages of selected scientific articles where half are provided by the course coordinator and the other half are selected based on the student's choice of course project in consultation with the course coordinator.
Further Information
  • The course is given if there is interest from eligible students, though at most once a year. If there are less then 5 students registered, the course could be cancelled. The course is given for students who have not passed one of the courses MAMA15, MAMF60 or MAMN25.
Course code
  • MAM055F
Administrative Information
  • 2023-10-31
  • Åsa Håkansson

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