Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course MVKN70F valid from Autumn 2019

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  • The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge about numerical methods that are routinely used for simulating fluid flows, combustion and heat transfer problems. Knowledge on several ways of discretising such as finite differences and finite volumes is provided. Knowledge on how to numerically treat some flow phenomena such as shock waves, multiphase flow, flames, thermal radiation and mass transfer is given. The course is aimed at providing capability to perform this kind of simulations. Also, to provide capability in analysing and assessing the results of such simulations. This knowledge should be sufficient in order to choose a proper solution method and assess the accuracy of the results for a given engineering problem.
  • The course treats methods for numerical simulation of fluid dynamics, combustion and heat transfer problems. Discretization using finite differences, finite volumes and to some extent finite elements. Both compressible and incompressible flows are treated. Numerical methods for handling shock wave, multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer and chemical reactions (e.g. combustion), are included. Methods for improving computational efficiency are also included.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • be able to give an account for potentials and limitations of the methods covered in the course
    be able to give an account for different methods for numerically solving fluid mechanics problems and their applicability on different types of fluid flow
    be able to describe the most common discretisation methods and their advantages and disadvantages
    be able to describe the sources of errors in the process from mathematical description to numerical solution of fluid flow and heat transfer problems, and how these affect the results
    be able to describe how to treat certain phenomena numerically, e.g. shock waves, thermal radiation and chemical reactions
    be able to explain some, for the subject, important concepts
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • be able to analyze fluid flow or heat transfer case and suggest a solution strategy of it concerning equations, possible simplifications, choice of numerical method and turbulence model and to compare to alternative methods and models
    be able to critically review and assess the accuracy and plausibility of results of fluid flow simulations from given criteria
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • be able to take active part in discussions on for the subject relevant problems
    be able to present, orally and in writing, a technical report containing analyses and choice of numerical solution method and turbulence model
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Laboratory exercises
  • Exercises
  • Project
Examination Formats
  • Written exam
  • Written report
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • MMVN05 Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer or MMV042 Numerical Heat Transfer or MVKN45 Applied Computational Fluid Mechanics.
Selection Criteria
  • Anderson, D., Tannehill, John C. & Pletcher, Richard H.: Beräkningsfluidmekanik och värmeöverföring. CRC Press, 2012. ISBN 9781591690375.
Further Information
Course code
  • MVKN70F
Administrative Information
  •  -11-03
  • Anders Gustafsson FUN[2)

All Published Course Occasions for the Course Syllabus

6 course occasions.

Course code ▽ Course Name ▽ Division ▽ Established ▽ Course syllabus valid from ▽ Start Date ▽ End Date ▽ Published ▽
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2019‑11‑06 Autumn 2019 2019‑09‑02 2019‑11‑03 2019‑11‑06
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2020‑06‑17 Autumn 2019 2020‑08‑31 2020‑11‑01 2020‑06‑17
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2021‑05‑21 Autumn 2019 2021‑08‑30 2021‑10‑31 2021‑05‑21
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2022‑06‑13 Autumn 2019 2022‑08‑29 2022‑10‑29 2022‑06‑13
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2023‑06‑26 Autumn 2019 2023‑08‑28 2023‑10‑29 2023‑06‑26
MVKN70F Advanced Methods for Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Energy Sciences 2024‑06‑28 Autumn 2019 2024‑09‑02 2024‑11‑03 2024‑06‑28

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