Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course VTV015F valid from Autumn 2020

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  • English
  • If sufficient demand
  • The purpose of the course is to provide doctoral students with comprehensive knowledge in the field of public transport through an increased understanding of the concepts, theories and methods used in various sub-areas in public transport research. The course will also give doctoral students an understanding of public transport research by putting today's development in relation to a historical development. The course provides overviews of the current state of knowledge and research in five research fields and helps to give participants a common understanding of how public transport is defined and researched.

  • The course consists of an introduction to the public transport area in the form of how public transport is organized and managed and what conditions and challenges public transport has. Thereafter, the course consists of five different themes in public transport research that are partly based on different scientific traditions. The themes are Collaboration, Planning and traffic, Social benefits and effects, Social justice, as well as Digitization and the public transport of the future. Each theme will include an introductory lecture, a homework assignment to write based on reading literature and a seminar where homework and literature are discussed.

    Under the theme Collaboration, an insight is given into what collaboration means and what different perspectives on collaboration there are. In addition, challenges related to the necessary interaction between independent but mutually dependent actors in order to increase the attractiveness of public transport are addressed. The theme Planning and traffic planning focuses on aspects such as different types of systems and when different systems are suitable, the system's function, logistics, planning of lines and timetables, ticket systems, information management and modeling. Social benefits and effects is based on classic welfare arguments (Kaldor-Hicks) and further effects on society to which public transport can contribute. Models / methods, such as cost-benefit analysis, which in various ways try to evaluate these effects are discussed. The theme will also highlight the effects of public transport on the environment. Social justice addresses the issue of whether access to passenger transport can be treated as a social justice issue and, if so, why and in what way. The theme also addresses different perspectives on social justice and what distinguishes them, as well as the different types of conflicts that arise in transport planning and the importance of balances between different interests. Digitalization and future public transport contains aspects of the use of information and information technology in public transport. Issues that are discussed are what information and technology are central, what are the opportunities and obstacles and how public transport can change.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • have knowledge of fundamental and accepted concepts, theories and methods used in public transport research.
    understand the research field of public transport, its width, diversity and interdisciplinarity.
    understand public transport in relation to societal conditions and obstacles.
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • be able to obtain relevant information from the specified course literature to answer the questions included in each theme.
    be able to use and apply concepts, theories, methods and research results from different parts of public transport research.
    be able to relate and discuss one's own research to theories, methods and other research in the field of public transport.
    be able to in writing compile and orally present independent texts on the various themes included in the course.
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • independently, qualified and nuanced refer to and assess research in the field of public transport.
    be able to have a qualified discussion with research colleagues in different areas of public transport.
    be able to critically examine and reflect on research in the field of public transport in relation to the needs and development of the surrounding society.
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Miscellaneous
  • Reading litterature
Examination Formats
  • Written assignments
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Five written assignments, peer review of an assignment per theme where an opinion must be made both in writing and orally at the seminars. Active participation in the seminars and demonstrate, both at the seminars and in written assignments, that the course literature has been obtained.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • None other than being admitted to doctoral studies. Basic knowledge for employment as a doctoral student
Selection Criteria
  • Cook, N. & Butz: Mobilities, Mobility Justice and Social Justice. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2019.
    HiTrans: Development of principles and strategies for introducing high quality public transport in medium size cities and urban regions. Best practice guides.. Interreg North Sea Region, 2005.
    Hrelja, R., Pettersson, F. & Westerdahl, S.: The qualities needed for a successful collaboration: A contribution to the conceptual understanding of collaboration for efficient public transport.. Sustainability, 2016.
    Jevinger, Å. & Persson, J.A.: Potentials of Context-Aware Travel Support during Unplanned Public Transport Disturbances.. Sustainability 2019, 11, 1649, 2019.
    Lucas, K.: A new evolution for transport-related social exclusion research?. Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 81, December 2019, 2019.
    Martens: Justice in transport as justice in accessibility: applying Walzer’s “Spheres of Justice” to the transport sector.. TRANSPORTATION, 39(6), 1035–1053.
    Norheim B, Kollektivtrafik - Utmaningar, möjligheter och lösningar för tätorter. Urbanet/K2, 2016.
    Franco, P., Johnston, R. & McCormick, E.: Demand responsive transport: Generation of activity patterns from mobile phone network data to support the operation of new mobility services. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020.
    Pettersson, F. & Hrelja, R.: How to create functioning collaboration in theory and in practice. Practical experiences of collaboration when planning public transport systems. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Volume 14, 2020 - Issue 1, 2020.
    Sheller, M.: Theorising mobility justice. Tempo Social; Sao Paulo Vol. 30, Iss. 2, 2018.
    Welch, Timothy F. & Widita, A.: Big data in public transportation: a review of sources and methods. Transport Reviews, 39:6, 795-818, 2019.
    Verlinghieri, E. & Schwanen, T.: Transport and mobility justice: Evolving discussions. Journal of Transport Geography, 87, 2020.
    Young, I. M.: Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press, 1990.
  • More titles will be added.
Further Information
  • The course is given if at least 5 students show interest in it. The course is given on site in Lund with the opportunity to participate online. The course will be held in Swedish or English depending on the students.

    Responsible teaching staff
    Introduction: Helena Svensson,
    Collaboration: Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt
    Social justice: Christina Lindkvist,
    Social benefits and impacts: Désirée Nilsson,
    Planning and management: Anders Wretstrand,
    Digitalization and the future of public transport: Jan Persson,
    Course coordinator: Helena Svensson,
Course code
  • VTV015F
Administrative Information
  • 2020-11-17
  • Gudbjörg Erlingsdóttir

All Published Course Occasions for the Course Syllabus

1 course occasion.

Start Date End Date Published
2023‑09‑01 (approximate) 2024‑01‑31

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