Course Syllabus for
History and Development of Environmental Psychology
Miljöpsykologins historia och utveckling
AAM010F, 7.5 credits
Valid from: Spring 2015
Decided by: FN3/Per Tunestål
Date of establishment: 2015-06-02
General Information
Division: Architecture and Built Environment
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The course aims through literature readings, discussion, presentations, and guest lectures, to provide the participants with an overview of Environmental Psychology (EP). Due to the diverse background of the EP research group, the course will provide a common platform to forge closer cooperation, discuss new research gaps, and establish contact with external researchers. Furthermore, by discussing literature outside of their immediate research scope, participants will develop skills in abstract reasoning and interdisciplinary communication.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
- - Show an overarching understanding of the origins and the development of environmental psychology theory
- - Show an orientation in the present state of art of environmental psychology.
- - Show an in-depth understanding of the fundamental human – environment theories, approaches and methodologies adopted in the field of environmental psychology.
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
- • Present the development of relevant theories, approaches and methodologies within the PhD student's own research area.
- • Critically discuss the development of research in environmental psychology from a scientific approach .
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
- • Reflect on own and others research questions in relation to previous environmental psychology research.
- • Reflect on how past and present theories in the field of EP are associated and how new research directions builds upon previous research and their gained knowledge.
- • Critically review pros and cons of the different theories and methods used in environmental psychology.
- • Critically discuss how environmental psychology theory and the methodology can be applied across diverse human – environment interactions.
Course Contents
The course discusses the early environmental psychology and the development of the subject today. The first part of the course provides an overview of the fundamental theories in the field of environmental psychology. The second part illustrates the development of the field in applied topics regarding; human – environment interaction in special environments, indoor and outdoor lighting, transportation and sustainability, nature-wildlife and wind power.
Course Literature
- Craik, K.H.: Environmental Psychology. Annual Review of Psychology. 1973.
- Stokols, D.: Environmental Psychology, Annual Review of Psychology. 1978.
- Canter, D.V. & Craik, K.H.: Environmental Psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 1, 1-11. 1981.
- Küller, R.: Environmental Psychology from a Swedish Perspective, in Handbook of Environmental Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
- al., S.: Environmental Psychology 1989-1994. Annual Review of Psychology, 47, 485-512.. 1996.
Moreover there will be literature for the thematic seminars.
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, self-study literature review
Examination format: Seminars given by participants
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission Details
Assumed prior knowledge: Master degree
Course Occasion Information
Course coordinators: