Valid from: Autumn 2024
Decided by: Professor Thomas Johansson
Date of establishment: 2018-05-18
Division: Biomedical Engineering
Course type: Course given jointly for second and third cycle
The course is also given at second-cycle level with course code: BMEN05
Teaching language: English
The aim of the course is to widen the conceptions of mechanics to also include biological systems.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
The architecture of the skeleton and the apparatus of locomotion are described as a mechanical system where the bones are coupled together in joints and the activity in the muscles control the movements.The human body is built up by different elements such as bone, articular cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles, blood and body fluids. These elements are described and modelled in the context described in earlier courses in mechanics and solid mechanics. Newton´s equations are applied on the different parts of the skeleton and concepts like constitutive equations are applied to biological material e.g. bone, where effects from mechanical loading on the inner structure are modelled
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, laboratory exercises, project
Examination formats: Written exam, oral exam, written assignments, seminars given by participants.
Three written assignments are performed in groups of 2-3 students during the course. The assignments are reported in written reports and written feedback is given from the course coordinator. In the end of the course there is an individual, written, home exam
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Assumed prior knowledge: Basic courses in mathematics, mechanics and solid mechanics or engineering mechanics
Course coordinators:
Web page: