Valid from: Autumn 2016
Decided by: Rektor Viktor Öwall
Date of establishment: 2016-06-21
Division: Atomic Physics
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The main purpose is to increase the knowledge of the participants about the activities and resources within different research groups who use lasers as a tool. Since every subject is reviewed from different perspectives in the seminars, the participants will get a better understanding of their own research areas and a better overview of other research areas.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must present a limited research field on a level suited for other Ph.D. students who use similar tools for investigations in other research areas.
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must actively participate in collegial discussions related to presentations given in the course.
Contemporary topics in science related to lasers such as: Fluorescence, Absorption, Coherence, Scattering, Ultrashort pulses, Non-linear optics, Advanced microscopy and Laser-matter interaction.
The presentations of the participants
Types of instruction: Seminars, study visit, miscellaneous. A set of topics common to several participants is selected and each is treated in a mini-workshop. Each workshop has a chairperson and a few speakers. One of the talks is a short introduction to the topic and the other presentations are more detailed presentations about a more limited research field. The presentations are followed by a discussion led by the chairperson. Within the course, study visits will be arranged at each division. The presentations during the study visits are given by the course participants. Feedback. After each seminar all present will fill out a form which will give feedback to the speakers. Since there are more than one presentation per participant on the course, the feedback on the first talk can be used to improve the next presentation.
Examination formats: Written report, seminars given by participants, miscellaneous.
Participation in all seminars, written reports in case of absence. Each participant will give a few short presentations. The participants should arrange laboratory visits.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: Admitted to research education, exceptions may be possible - contact the course coordinator.
Assumed prior knowledge: It is expected that the applicants are far enough along their research learning process that they can present own research work.
Selection criteria: In the selection, the students who can contribute most and benefit most from the course will be prioritized.
Course coordinators:
Web page: