Course Syllabus for

Introduction Course for New Doctoral Students in Physics
Introduktionskurs för nya forskarstudenter i fysik

FAF030F, 1.5 credits

Valid from: Autumn 2022
Decided by: Anders Gustafsson/FUN(2)
Date of establishment: 2022-06-17

General Information

Division: Department of Physics
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English


The aim of the course is to provide a general introduction to graduate studies in physics and to facilitate the start of the graduate studies.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Judgement and Approach

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Course Contents

Introduction to the physics department (organisation, education, research), introduction to the management of personnel matters (holidays, illness, leave, etc.), introduction to doctoral studies in physics (general syllabus, individual study plan, courses, procedures, etc.), active work on the individual study plan (in particular the learning outcomes), introduction to career planning, international perspectives in the doctoral education, equal treatment, sustainable development in doctoral education, doctoral student perspective, information search, reference management, open access publishing, research portal/LUCRIS, introduction to oral and written communication, introduction to the theory of science and research methodology, introduction to teaching at the department.

Course Literature

No course literature.

Instruction Details

Types of instruction: Seminars, project. Teaching consists of lectures/seminars (22 hours) and project work. Course length 6-7 weeks with approximately one lecture per week à 3 hours. Project work on 1) individual interpretation of learning outcomes, 2) uploading information in LUCRIS, and 3) starting an individual reference list, are compulsory elements.

Examination Details

Examination format: Written report. The assessment is based on active participation in lessons and compulsory components. For a grade of Pass, the student must have a minimum of 75% participation in the lessons, and passed the compulsory components.
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Further Information

The course is given by the department of physics. The courses ??0643F (LTH course code) and NFY015F cannot be credited together. The course is a complement to GEM056F Introductory Workshop for Newly Admitted PhD Students at LTH.

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

Course coordinators:

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