Course Syllabus for

Advanced Biological Mass Spectrometry
Avancerad biologisk masspektrometri

KIM020F, 15 credits

Valid from: Spring 2014
Decided by: FN2/Eva Nordberg Karlsson
Date of establishment: 2014-02-03

General Information

Division: Immunotechnology
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English


Proteomics is the large scale study of protein expression and function. Proteins and their modifications are often used for medical analysis of the processes involved in the progression of a disease. The methods most often used for proteomics analyses are based on mass spectrometry. An understanding of how mass spectrometers function and the processes involved is critical to understanding modern proteomics methods. We will study and discuss mass spectrometry within these criteria and discuss how one uses mass spectrometry tools to create a scientific basis for protein research.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must In order to pass the course the students should be able to describe in detail the basic process involved in mass spectrometry and how mass spectrometry based tools can used to create a proteomic picture of proteins and how they function in a cell

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must In order to pass the course the students should be able to reflect in depth over mass spectrometric processes and how these methods can be used for experimental observations of protein activities

Judgement and Approach

For a passing grade the doctoral student must In order to pass the course the students should be able to demonstrate the ability to present, critique and debate scientific knowledge and theory within the area of mass spectrometry

Course Contents

The course is intended to give students an insight into how mass spectrometry works and can be applied to study how proteins function in a cell

Course Literature

Gross, J.: Masspektrometri - en lärobok. Tredje upplagan.. ISBN 9783319543987.

Instruction Details

Type of instruction: Exercises. The discussion sessions will be based on PBL (the seven steps) together with problem exercises defined by the examiner, that illustrate various aspects of the theory in the course. Each of the exercises will be dealt with in two one hour meeting between the self-study periods. The course will extend over approximately 15 weeks

Examination Details

Examination formats: Oral exam, written assignments. Active participation in the study group at a level concordant with the teaching goals. If needed, there will be written reports if the student was absent from a meeting. If the is any uncertainty about the level there will be an oral examination
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Admission requirements: Accepted to a PhD or expected to be accepted
Assumed prior knowledge: Basic knowledge of biochemistry at G-level
Selection criteria: The course is usually run every other spring term if there are at least six students though it can be given if there are less. A maximum of ten students can be accepted per course. It will be given in English and priority will be given to students who have the course as an obligatory or alternative obligatory course in their study plan

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

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