Course Syllabus for


MMT020F, 7.5 credits

Valid from: Autumn 2015
Decided by: FN3/Per Tunestål
Date of establishment: 2015-01-08

General Information

Division: Productions and Materials Engineering
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English


Cryogenics is the science and engineering of phenomena that occur at a temperature below 120 K. Cryogenics is the basis for a multi-billion industry and is a key enabling technology in such areas as the production and use of industrial gases, liquefied natural gas, space exploration, high energy physics, fusion energy and magnetic resonance imaging. It is an important technology for the European Spallation Source (ESS) Project. This class emphasizes the engineering aspects of cryogenics including: cryogenic properties of materials, air separation, refrigeration, liquefaction, cryostat design, cryocoolers, instrumentation, cryogenic safety and the properties of cryogenic fluids. Extensive examples will be drawn from current activities in both industry and research (including ESS). The class will consist of lectures and a design project using real world problems.


Knowledge and Understanding

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Competences and Skills

For a passing grade the doctoral student must

Course Contents

The scope of the course is divided into a number of topics that provide a broad background on cryogenic engineering. Properties of cryogenic fluids (Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen) are examined. The properties of materials at cryogenic temperatures is described. The fundamentals of cryogenic refrigeration, including thermodynamic cycles, heat exchangers and compressors are given. The applications and design of different cryocoolers (Pulse tube, Stirling, GM, JT) are reviewed. The application, production and behavior of He II is presented as is the cooling of systems below 1 K. Significant time is given to the description of thermal insulation systems and cryostat design including thermal shields, multilayer insulation and structural supports. Other lecture topics include: safety in cryogenics, cryogenic instrumentation, air separation, liquefied natural gas, liquid hydrogen, fundamentals of superconductivity and superconducting magnets, cryogenic equipment and space cryogenics. A brief overview of project management principles and terms is also presented.

Course Literature

No assigned textbook. A list of recommended reading will be provided to the class

Instruction Details

Types of instruction: Lectures, project, study visit

Examination Details

Examination formats: Written exam, written report, written assignments. The project report will include both an oral presentation and a written report
Grading scale: Failed, pass

Admission Details

Assumed prior knowledge: Students should have had entry level courses in heat transfer, thermodynamics or equivalent course in chemistry and physics.
Selection criteria: Course is suitable for students in engineering ( mechanical, chemical, physics), chemistry and physics

Further Information

Course coordinator John Weisend

Course Occasion Information

Contact and Other Information

Course coordinators:
Web page:

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