Kursplan för

Reviewing for Journals
Att göra reviews för vetenskapliga tidskrifter

MTT055F, 5 högskolepoäng

Gäller från och med: Autumn 2014
Beslutad av: FN3/Per Tunestål
Datum för fastställande: 2014-10-07

Allmänna uppgifter

Avdelning: Engineering Logistics
Kurstyp: Ren forskarutbildningskurs
Undervisningsspråk: English


The aim of the course is to provide the doctoral student with insights about the process of reviewing articles for scientific journals. The doctoral student will become familiar with the process of analyzing a scientific article from the journal perspective, with the specific purpose of writing up a review of the article for the journal. As a doctoral student, the individual will sooner or later get requests to review articles for international scientific journals, and this course aims to provide the student with experience of writing reviews and discussing reviews as well as comparing their reviews with those from original journal reviewers. The doctoral student will also improve their understanding of strengths and weaknesses of existing scientific articles and will thereby develop into a better reviewer.


Kunskap och förståelse

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden be able to understand the peer reviewing system and its role in the production of scientific knowledge, and how to design a review of scientific articles.

Färdighet och förmåga

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden be able to formulate reviews of journal articles and present both positive and negative constructive comments.

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

För godkänd kurs skall doktoranden be able to critically evaluate scientific articles in the areas of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management, and based on this write up reviews.


The course is based on one introductory lecture and a seminar series that will include the following: (i) structural approaches for designing a review (based on samples from journals and publishers), (ii) analyses and discussions on selected articles and reviews on these, (iii) analyses of articles and preparing reviews, and (iv) concluding discussion on the structure and process for analyzing articles and writing up reviews with critical assessments of the articles. A selection of articles from journals in the area of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management will be used as study material. Comparisons will also be made with the reviews from the original reviewers selected by the journal for these submitted articles.


Articles, to be distributed

Kursens undervisningsformer

Undervisningsformer: Föreläsningar, seminarier

Kursens examination

Examinationsformer: Skriftlig rapport, inlämningsuppgifter
Betygsskala: Underkänd, godkänd


Förkunskapskrav: Basic course in operations management or supply chain management.
Förutsatta förkunskaper: Basic course in operations management or supply chain management.

Övrig information

The course will be given the fall term 2014 and thereafter on request.


Kontaktinformation och övrigt

Kursansvarig: Jan Olhager <jan.olhager@tlog.lth.se>

Fullständig visning