Valid from: Autumn 2019
Decided by: Senior lecturer Gudbjörg Erlingsdottir
Date of establishment: 2019-09-05
Division: Water Resources Engineering
Course type: Third-cycle course
Teaching language: English
The course aims to present predominantly PhD students at the Division of Water Resources Engineering and related disciplines with an introduction to key water-related research areas to broaden their knowledge. The corresponding objectives are • To obtain a broader perspective of water resources engineering as part of the discipline of building and environmental technology; • To gain in-depth knowledge and skills in selected scientific areas (see course content below) dominating the research in water resources engineering; and • To understand how the student’s own research topic is related to other topics at the division, department and faculty levels.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Competences and Skills
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade the doctoral student must
The course participants will receive lectures from senior academics at the Division of Water Resources Engineering given them a broader overview of current research activities. The group of academics delivering the lectures will depend on the cohort composition. It is expected that academics will teach their own PhD students as well. The following lectures (depending on demand and availability) are generally on offer: Lecture A by Ronny Berndtsson: Non-linear climatic variation on precipitation and runoff quantity and quality within the environment. Lecture B by Cintia Bertacchi Uvo: Seasonal hydro-climatological forecasting and long-term hydrological variability. Lecture C by Hossein Hashemi: Remote sensing in hydrology: satellites measuring precipitation, surface water and groundwater. Lecture D by Magnus Larson: Fundamental mathematical work, advanced data analysis and applied research on physical processes in coastal areas including waves, currents, sediment transport and morphological evolution. Lecture E by Catherine Paul: Aerobic and anaerobic microbiology in water and waste treatment. Lecture F by Kenneth Persson: Technical water resources overview including drinking water contamination, desalination using membranes and landfill leachate treatment. Lecture G by Magnus Persson: Subsurface hydrology including soil water and groundwater movement and soil physics comprising measurement techniques, solute transport and soil salinity. Lecture H by Miklas Scholz: Water resources engineering and management as well as sustainable water treatment with complex wetland and sustainable drainage systems in both developed and developing countries Lecture I by Linus Zhang: Integrated water resources management and hydrological modeling.
Cin D. A. (2013), Water Resources Engineering. 3nd edition, Pearson Education. Mays L. W. (2015), Water Resources Engineering. 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons. Scholz, M. 2015. Wetlands for Water Pollution Control. 2nd edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Scholz M. (2018), Sustainable Water Management: Engineering Solutions for a Variable Climate. Elsevier. Other books and papers recommended by the lecturers. Scientific papers and other literature related to the chosen report topic.
Types of instruction: Lectures, seminars, self-study literature review. The finalized list of lectures will be presented in a logical order from more general to more specific topics. Informal workshops where students present their report outlines to receive feedback will follow the lecture series. These activities will be supported by • supervised independent literature studies through databases and libraries; • supervised work in close connection to an on-going research project; • written report in English according to standards in international peer-reviewed journals; • oral presentation in English in front of peers during the course; and • strongly encouraged oral presentation in English as part of the public seminar series run by the Division of Water Resources Engineering.
Examination format: Written report.
The students will write a report comprising a short critical and analytical review of their own PhD topic. This will be presented and discussed during the second half of the course.
Grading scale: Failed, pass
Admission requirements: An MSc degree (or equivalent) in a relevant engineering or science subject discipline is required. The course is compulsory for PhD students studying Water Resources Engineering at Lund University during year one or two of their studies.
Assumed prior knowledge: None.
Selection criteria: None.
Course coordinators:
Web page: In preparation