Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course IDE040F valid from Autumn 2022

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  • The aim of the course is to give doctoral students:
    - Knowledge about the historical and theoretical background and different schools related to the business model and business model innovation concepts.
    - Knowledge about application areas of business model innovation and tools for business model generation and innovation.
    - Knowledge about related concepts, especially strategy and critical perspectives on business models.
    - Practical experience of working with business model innovation tools as well as of real-world cases of business model innovation in established companies, entrepreneurial start-ups and new technologies.
  • The first part of the course provides an introduction to and overview of business models. The origin and development of the concept is reviewed as well as reading and discussing of classic academic and literature review papers. Then we review the most common theoretical grounding of business models and introduce some critical perspectives on the concept. The second part of the course introduce the concept of business model innovation and business modeling. Its application in diffusion of new technologies, renewal of established industries and sustainability is reviewed as well as the relation between business model innovation and performance. Invited practitioners contribute with contemporary examples of business model innovation for new technologies, renewal and sustainability. The third and final part of the course concerns applications of tools for description, analyses and development of business models and business model innovation.

    The following topics are covered in the course:
    Introduction to and overview of business models
    - Historical overview and theoretical grounding
    - Business models and strategy
    - Critical perspectives on business models
    Business model innovation
    New technologies
    Renewal of established industries
    Business Modeling
    Open business models and eco-systems
    Sustainable business model innovation
    Business model innovation and performance
    Practical applications, tools and cases
    - Business model canvas
    - Digital business models
    - Business Model Innovation Navigator
    - Live cases (invited guests from established companies and start-ups with an interesting business model or business model in change)
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • describe key concepts and models in the business model and business model innovation research area
    explain the most common theoretical underpinnings of business models and business model innovation
    explain the differences between business models and business model innovation in established firms and entrepreneurial start-ups
    explain and give examples of how a business model may speed up diffusion of new technologies and products
    explain the differences between firm strategy and business models
    describe the most common business model and business model innovation tools
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • describe and analyze a business model at firm and system level
    design a new business model for an entrepreneurial start-up using the business model canvas or other appropriate tool
    design a new business model for an established firm using the business model canvas or other appropriate tool
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • be able to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the business model concept and its use in practical decision making
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Exercises
  • Invited guests provide practical applications to contemporary business model innovation.
Examination Formats
  • Written report
  • Written assignments
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Miscellaneous
  • Active participation at seminars.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • Students admitted to the doctoral studies at LTH and other faculties.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
Selection Criteria
  • Reading list of academic papers.
Further Information
  • The course content overlaps to a large degree (about 50-60 %) with the course INT005F Sustainable business model innovation which will be given every other year in the spring semester (though not the same year as this course). Thus, doctoral students interested in the subject of business models are advised to either follow this course (if your main interest is business models for profit or growth and with more attention to digitalization as an enabler for business model innovation) or INT005F (if your main interest is in business models for sustainability).
Course code
  • IDE040F
Administrative Information
  • 2022-12-10
  • Åsa Håkansson

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