Third-Cycle Courses

Faculty of Engineering | Lund University

Details for the Course Syllabus for Course KLG001F valid from Autumn 2017

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  • English
  • If sufficient demand
  • The aim of the course is to describe surface and colloid chemical phenomena in the context of formulation and technical uses of Pickering emulsions.
  • This course is primarily designed for PhD students in Food technology and Pharmaceutical technology, Physical chemistry, Nano technology, and Bio-interfaces, and related disciplines.
    - Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces
    - Similarities and differences between particles, polymers, proteins and low molecular weight surfactants
    - Emulsion characterization and stability
    - Sources and production of particles
    - Emulsification processes in the context of Pickering emulsions
    - Products and Applications

    Teaching and Learning Activities
    - Lectures and seminars
    - Directed Reading
    - Laboratory assignment and problem sets

    Particles stabilized emulsions, so called Pickering emulsions, are known to possess many beneficial properties including being quite stable due to their solid particles adsorbed at the interface between the two immiscible phases (oil and water). Lately, the use of particles to stabilize emulsions has attracted substantial research interest due to their distinctive characteristics and potential technological applications; they display long-term stability, even with large droplet sizes, without the addition of surfactants. Pickering type emulsion system may have applications beyond that of food, for example in the paper, cosmetic, paint industries and for pharmaceutical drug formulations for both topical and oral delivery.

    The course includes physicochemical description of Pickering emulsions, their colloidal properties in the context of food and pharmaceutical products, the study of the changes that occur during the process, the engineering knowledge needed to design processes and systems and the relationships between structure, chemistry and consumer perceived quality characteristics.
Knowledge and Understanding
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Understand the basic principles of surface activity, capillarity and emulsion stability.
    Understand and be able to qualitatively describe colloidal interactions between particles and fluid interfaces.
    Understand the relationships between macroscopic material properties and microscopic structures.
Competences and Skills
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • Quantitatively evaluate the structure, formulations and stability of particle stabilized systems.
    Demonstrate understanding of surface and colloid chemistry in the context of Pickering emulsions to be able to evaluate technical situations, and be able to propose experimental studies and to suggest solutions.
    Be able to perform and evaluate experimental investigations of Pickering agents functionality in food and pharmaceutical systems.
    Be able to describe and discuss how formulation can affect the functionality of a consumer product in written and oral form.
    Be able to search and assimilate relevant information form the scientific literature.
Judgement and Approach
  • For a passing grade the doctoral student must
  • From given basic facts, be able to evaluate the complexity of a production process relative to its function for the consumer and impact on the internal and external environment.
    Independently search for and critically examine and evaluate information in scientific papers dealing with Particle stabilized systems.
Types of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Laboratory exercises
  • Self-study literature review
Examination Formats
  • Written report
  • Seminars given by participants
  • Miscellaneous
  • For 3 credits written assignment on independent special topic and mandatory participation in seminars with written and oral reporting.
    For 6 credits also performed a laboratory assignment, and mandatory report from this work.
  • Failed, pass
Admission Requirements
  • PhD student in Lund or Malmö, or equivalent.
Assumed Prior Knowledge
  • Required prior knowledge: The students are assumed to have basic knowledge in physics, general chemistry and physical chemistry.
Selection Criteria
  • Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces, Edited by: Bernard P. Binks and Tommy S. Horozov University of Hull, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; e-pub, 2006.

    Particle-Stabilized Emulsions and Colloids : Formation and Applications, Editors: To Ngai, Stefan Bon, Royal Society of Chemistry, e-pub, 2014.

    Scientific Literature (TBD)

Further Information
  • 6 or 3 credits (3 + 3 lab)
    The course is given ever 3rd year or upon special request.
Course code
  • KLG001F
Administrative Information
  •  -05-10
  • Margareta Sandahl

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